Chapter 8: Emotional Rain

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By Thursday Johnny was in a mood. The thing about this is, it's not unusual for him to be moody. However, it's when he's silent a person should worry. His silence is his anger thundering inside. He's a mess of beautiful chaos and a person need only look into his eyes to see the storm clouds gathering there.

Well, he's had enough. Seriously he deserves a medal for making it through this week, without punching someone in the throat. He's fed up and it's time Daniel is taught a lesson. One he won't be forgetting any time too soon. The king snake is awake and it's not going to be pretty.

Ava could tell something is brewing with Johnny. She's been able to sense it ever since the PE incident, Monday. Then the lunch incident, on Tuesday, sent him into an emotional downpour. And it's been raining ever since. She might not be able to solve all of his problems, but she can take a walk with him in the rain. He poured everything out to her, and she took it. She listened and hugged him. But behind his beautiful blue eyes, he's still brewing. Pretty soon the hurricane is going to reach maximum impact and when it does, brace yourself.

She thought it would happen last night, at the beach party, when the ball hit his head. Honestly, she thought Daniel was going to get a beat down. If she hadn't been there who knows what might have happened. Truly this Daniel kid is playing with fire. The kind of fire the likes of which he's never seen before. If he's not careful he'll get burned. Both of them will, he and Johnny. One way or another it will all come back around to Johnny. It always does.

He's so difficult to talk to when he's like this. It's why she doesn't even try. She just listens. He was like this in ninth grade too, but less volatile. Now he has years of disappointment under his belt and a ton of hurt he's been holding onto. This is no easy fix. It requires patience and care. 

Which is why she's trying to be pleasant on the ride to school. She even poured him a cup of orange juice to go and grabbed him two bacon and cheese scones. "Johnny, are we still on for dinner after practice tonight?"

Keeping his eyes on the road, but answering her, he replied "Of course. I always look forward to spending time with you." He reached over and took her hand. "Are you ready for your match this afternoon?"

Lacing their fingers together, Ava beamed with excitement. "Oh for sure! I can't wait to play. I just hope I don't get my putter stuck in my bra today." That would be the worst thing ever.

Johnny wondered if he heard that right. "Why would your putter be in your bra? And how did you get it stuck there before? Unless you placed it there. Do I even want to know?"

She laughed at him. "No silly. Getting your putter stuck in your bra is golf speak for leaving the putt short or it's way off the line." 

If he wasn't driving he would have rolled his eyes. "Of course that's it. Are there any other crazy golf things I should know?"

Smiling to herself, there's one she knows all too well. She hears it a lot on the course or in matches. "Well, there's this one. Sometimes I'll say it. You have to promise not to laugh or say it out loud in the presence of your friends." She saw his face. It looked one part curious another part concerned. "Just promise."

"I promise," he said smirking. He said it again for good measure. But he crossed his toes, does that count? "I promise. Now tell me what it is." He figures it must be either terrible or good if she's acting this touchy about it.

"OK just remember you promised." She pointed her finger at him. "When you play golf fast (which is what I hope this match will be) it's called yank it and spank it." He started laughing. Not able to help it, she smiled. 

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