Chapter 35: Really And Truly Married

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Johnny's anger sat with him. It put its arms around him and hugged him like a long-lost friend. When he gets mad at someone, and he's silent, that's a very good thing. Because if he speaks his mind, then watch out. But he has a limit and when he reaches it, that's a very bad thing. 

Not everyone gets the same version of Johnny Lawrence. One person might tell you he's an amazing, wonderful being full of life and fun. So much so that his eyes sparkle and dance with a smile as bright as the sun. And he is. Another person might say he's a cold-hearted asshole. He's the best of both worlds and chooses to act accordingly. 

His wife's brother has almost met his anger threshold. When she got into the car and began telling him about her idiot brother, who apparently is dying to meet his foot and fist, he almost could not believe it. Almost. Except, The Skunk loves to bother Ava and annoy him. 

He was in the middle of thinking about how he could rip The Skunk's face off, when Ava said, "Seriously though Johnny, I've been having a lot of bad days lately. A lot." She closed her eyes and rested her head on the headrest. "I honestly thought I was going to faint when I saw those pictures. And the worst part is, he made copies. I don't know what I'm going to do." Really she does not. "I'm just going to have to give him all the things he wants." It totally sucks too.

Gripping the steering wheel tight, he told her "No you're not giving him anything. But I will be giving him a quick kick to mid-section and black eye." What is it with assholes trying to get into his business? First, that Twerp Ali's dating, now this one. 

She placed her hand on his leg. "No Johnny. Don't do that. It would be stooping to his level. There has to be a way around this." But what is it?

The rest of the ride to Sandcastle Cove, and Sid's house, was quiet. Johnny simmered in his anger and Ava tried to think of a plan. Once they got to the beach house and went inside, the plan kind of blew up into their faces. On the answering machine was a message for The Lawrence's. 

Which was weird to hear... The Lawrence's... because the name connotates a sense of wisdom and maturity. Drunkenly getting married at a Vegas chapel, signing the marriage license in purple ink, then buying a house without your parent's knowledge is not wise or mature. However, if wisdom and maturity mean a certain badass boy being a strong man having his shit together (which no one but Ava knows about), then that's sexy as hell. Or if wisdom and maturity are responding in the right way to situations, sacrificing your selfishness for your spouse, and taking care of business together, then The Lawrence's are on the right track.

Pressing play, Johnny leaned on the sofa to listen, while Ava sat. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence. This is Meredith, your realtor, calling you. I wanted to let you know our offer of a hundred and twenty thousand was accepted by the sellers. So now all we need is a clean inspection and you could be moving into your new house as early as this coming Wednesday. The inspector will be taking a look on this Saturday afternoon. I will let you know what he says after I've read his report. I'm at the office all day today. Fingers crossed. If you have any questions just give me a call."

Shock. That's what's going through him right now. Looking at his wife, he can see she is too. He came to sit down beside her. "Wow." He ran a hand over his face and blinked back a few happy tears. Nothing has ever been this easy, at least for him. The other shoe has to drop, right?

Ava did cry and Johnny held her. This is the best news. Once her tears were finished, she stated "This is the best news possible. The inspection will surely pass since it's an up-to-date house. We are about to be homeowners. We're newlyweds and first-time homebuyers all within a stretch of a month give or take. My mind is blown." A few more tears leaked out.

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