Chapter 29: Puke Green

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She's not an impulsive person, ever. Everything is in order and everything has an order. She's not one to drink or smoke or do anything like that. And the one time she does get a little crazy, she up and gets married. Admittedly her control issues are something her therapist works with her on. It's part of her anorexia recovery. But this, this has sent her control and perfectionism into hyper speed. She can't breathe. What is she going to do?

As Ava got ready for school, so many thoughts threatened to drown her mind. So much so, it feels like she's swimming underwater and unable to catch her breath, just treading. She'd like five more minutes. Five more minutes of the good stuff, the good times. Five more minutes to rewind and do Vegas differently. 

She'd wake up and tell Johnny "Hey you'll never believe it. But we're married. Yep. You and me." But she didn't do that. She didn't do anything like that. Instead, she chickened out. Even at Christmas when he'd given her the necklace, she couldn't tell him. She was going to confess it all to  him, but at the last minute she said "I love you more than words." Which is true. She does. But what a pussy she is, as her husband so kindly says about people. And now here she is, drowning like a total loser. Just five more minutes.

She held her necklace and wished for it. But wishes like that one don't come true. It only happens in the movies. Another thing she'd want to come true is her cousin flying off on her broomstick and disappearing. Misty, true to form, has been trying to be better than her.

First, when she spent the day with her and Rachel, her bored attitude got on both their nerves. They took her to Golf 'N Stuff. Having had enough of her sighs and eye rolls and picking at her nails, she and Rach left her to her own devices. It wasn't them being mean, well maybe partly. It's just Misty didn't want to do anything with them. 

They had suggested shopping and she sighed. They suggested going to see a movie, and she rolled her eyes. So, they decided on the extremely fun place and atmosphere of Golf 'N Stuff. Everyone loves it. You can't go wrong with it, except maybe her contrary cousin. Now there she stands picking at her nails. The two of them left her at concessions and played mini-golf. When they came back, to reclaim her, of course, Misty would be talking with Susan, Barbara, and the other cheerleaders.

With her head held high, Misty told them, "I've been invited to hang out with them. It sounds like fun. See ya." She flipped her glossy brown hair over her shoulder and walked off, with her new found group of idiots.

Not that she and Rachel cared, but it's kind of rude of her. The two of them went out of their way to include her, trying to be kind, and she leaves them for the cheerleaders. Typical. Another typical thing is Misty one-upping her.

After Christmas, her father invited her to play golf. He and Uncle Tim were going to the club to play some rounds together. She accepted, knowing it's the perfect opportunity to practice her swing for the tournament. When the father-daughter duo arrived, at the club, a surprise was waiting. Misty! She was there with her father. What the heck? As far as Ava knew her cousin swims and plays tennis. When Ava inquired about it, she said "A girl can do more than one thing." With a quiet voice, she made the comment "Some girls are better than others." Then speaking normally she stated "Daddy taught me. I'm pretty good now."

Her words left Ava wondering if that was a threat? Some girls are better than others... Yes, they are. Like her and golf.

Uncle Tim declared with a smile, "There's room for another golfer in the family."

No there's not! Golf is her sport. She takes it seriously. Plus Misty does all those other activities. Ava wanted to have her own spotlight and golf is it. It's the one area she truly shines. When they hit the course, Ava learned her cousin is a mediocre golfer at best. She's nowhere near her own game (at all). Therefore she is better than her mean-spirited cousin.

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