Chapter Sixty Three

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Mathias knocked on her door with anger, you could tell on how loud it was especially at 3 in the morning it was like everything could be heard ten times louder.

In a groggy voice Adelina called out a distant "who is it?" At first Mathias didn't respond he was just about to walk away when he yelled out "Mathias" she was too stunned to speak for a second.

"Leave" she said through the door, if Levi knew he was here and he came in he could kill her they been working on moving on since he just recently got out of a relationship that also did some damage.

"Adelina please"

She doesn't remember when She fell in love with words maybe it was when She heard her mothers voice the first time she held her or the fairy tails She was told every night before bed time perhaps it was the the way they were written or spoken sometimes it all depends on the way of voice they come out. She loved the way they made her feel the tone the amount of emotion behind each and every word.

But some people have a way of speaking a sort of way that just amazed her, their voice might be the only thing she want in her head replaying his was one of them, the way he spoke her name when he called or praised her.

"Please open up" he begged "I can't" She murmured "look you don't have to I just want you to listen, you were always good at that"

She rolled her eyes even though he couldn't see it.

"It's you. It's fucking you. I cannot describe it anymore, it's you. You are the only one that I will ever want. I belong with you. You're my home. I look at you and somehow I can see a fifty years from now on the front porch of some old house in the middle of nowhere and we're together. I need you. You're the only thing that matters. You are my good." Adelina had a strong grip on the doorknob and Mathias swears he saw it move. He had hope she would open and everything would be fixed like it should be.

"You don't miss me" she spoke softly

"It's okay, I didn't know how to love you right either. The only difference is that while you gave up, I never wanted to stop trying to learn how."

"Please I'm sorry" he begged through the door. They were both in between wood one with the intentions of moving on from years of hurt, the other in the final realization of a long lost love.

Timing is a bitch. But it's only a bitch if we let it be, the simple truth that everyone needs to face up to; the people we meet at the wrong time are actually the wrong people.

You never meet the right people at the wrong time because the right people are timeless. The right people make you want to throw away plans you originally had for one to follow them into hazy, unknown future without a glance backwards. The right people don't make you hmm and think about whether or not you want to be with them. You just know, you know that any adventure you had originally planned out for your future isn't going to be half as incredible as the adventures you could have by their side. That no matter what you thought you wanted before, this is better. Everything is better since they came along.

"I messed up and I'm truly sorry that I was such a jerk that I never truly valued you I- " cutting him off Adelina had enough of what he was saying.

"There's a reason for everything. A reason we met - he smiled- A reason you lied. A reason I kept hanging on. A reason you didn't care. A reason I ignored everyone who knew better. A reason for what you said. A reason for what I did. And even a reason for the pain. Right now that reason is beyond me. But someday when I meet the right person; the guy who will treat me right, cherish me, and love me with everything he has, then will I know the reason. And then maybe I'll be able to find strength to say, thank you"

"Lin" he pleads, she took a deep breath that made the memories of them come rushing through her head each and every single word and action he had made in her sight turned from lust and love to another person. Only that him and only him had a special place in her heart.

As she opened the door it took everything In her not to take a closer step to his embrace.

"Hey" she breathed.

"Hey" he returned

"I can't anymore Theo" it's been years since that name came out her mouth sending shivers down his spine.

"How long have you been clean?" She asks "I don't drink or smoke anymore"

"Sex wise"

"I just had a girlfriend"

"Someone who wasn't your girlfriend, side piece" The fact that he had to think made knots in her stomach and not the good kind. She felt sick that she ever saw something with him.

"Nine days ago"

"How long have you guys been together"

"Four months at least" she shakes her head "That's the thing with you Mathias you never understand you go out sleeping with other people while you're in a relationship because you don't understand value everything in your life has been handed to you on a silver platter" he knew she was right, Marisol basically said the same thing every other day.

And then when he asked me what he could do to make things right between him and her I "There will never be another you and I again. That's over and I'm not going back to you, ever. there's just way too much damage in our history already. But if you're really looking to make some type of truce with me, then just don't ever treat another woman that comes into your life the way you did me because no woman deserves that and I don't care who she is. I'd rather see a woman who is happy in love with you than one praying to un-love you, the way that I once was"

He takes in breath "So this is it?"

"It's been it" He stood at her door with tears on his eyes but his father's voice boomed in his ear "men can't cry especially for a girl"

Maybe it was the fact that this girl was no other one that he wanted maybe it was because he finally realized how bad he messed up.

He watched her and waited for the familiar "we can try again" nothing. Utter silence. He fucked up.

He tried to step closer but with each step she stepped back he waited for her eyes to meet his as they often did. They didn't. Her eyes went everywhere anywhere but his.

Her eyes looked glossy but no emotion behind them, her posture just a bit too stiff. She was hurt and he has done it, when they finally skimmed to his those big brown eyes met his he could've almost sworn he saw her flinch.

In that he left without a single word to follow.

She was just a chapter in his book while he was the title on hers. And for the first time they had finally agreed to close the book to their story.

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