Chapter One

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Adelina Arrison

"Idiots all of you are Idiots" Mother yells at the housekeepers who are putting up decorations for the party tomorrow or like mother likes to call it a gathering with alcohol. I don't really know why we're having one but Im never informed of anything so I can't question it. I walk in the kitchen to figure out why she's yelling so much not that it's a surprise.

"Morning Mother" I present myself, she gives me a slight nod but doesn't say anything in return.

"Are you heading to school already?Nico already left by the way" she says in between yells to the staff.

"Yeah I know,  I was just about to eat some breakfast before I leave got a big thing today- "I stop talking once she gives me an up and down look before looking away,  I take that as a sign to not eat something and head out.

As I walk around school and find my brother, Nico with Grace and the one and only Mathias Knight hanging outside in the parking lot. That arrogant and cocky bastard that always knows how to ruin my mood he doesn't even bat an eye when I arrive while the rest give out their usual good mornings around.

"Where is Liam?" I ask around looking for the ginger "Morning detention or a hook up " Mathias responds  still not looking up from his phone

"Guys look" Grace whispers, she gestures to the two guys and the girl next to them they're wearing the same black and white uniform as everyone else yet I have never seen them before. Almost everyone knows each other because of our parents but I have never seen them before.

I pay no attention to the two very good looking guys and observe the girl. Blond hair, blue eyes like the ocean very typical cliche new girl vibes I can't deny that she isn't pretty because she is but there's something about her I can't exactly describe her.

She has that innocent type of look that makes me question, how innocent is she really?

Trouble is ahead.

"c'mon guys lets go introduce ourselves shall we?" I smile fakely that Mathias grins at. The only time he and I agree on something is when where messing with people.

Most people at our school are wealthy well they have to be to afford this school it costs more than the usual private school at other states.

"You always have to mess with people don't you darling?" Mathias whispers in my ear as we walk to the new kids I don't respond but send him a cheeky smile instead before walking away introducing myself and Nico.

"Good morning Im Adelina Arrison and this is my brother Nicholas" I gesture to him, he sends them a wave in return.

"uh hi im Alex smith nice to meet you" the blond says shyly. She seemed intimidated. good. I might like her as a friend but she can't know that yet I have a image at this school and I intend to keep it even if I have to make people not like me.

"Grace king pleasure" she smiles holding out a hand for each of them to shake.

"Im Dylan Taylor and this is Max Brown" Dylan looks taller than the other brunette they seem like two okay guys but by the looks of Mathias face towards them Im not sure he thinks the same.

"Im sorry for my unmannered acquaintance this is Mathias knight" I tell them which they simply nod but Mathias doesn't seem to care he ignored them. Just before we can say anything else the first bell rings.

"Well we got to go for class, see you around. Before we leave I have a question." They don't say anything so I keep talking "Are you three scholarship kids?"

"Yeah, we are " I believe max answered "oh, well welcome" When they came in I noticed their scholar pins that they get handed as they walked in for teachers to know. A slight feeling of uncertainty crossed my stomach maybe it was the no breakfast or the fact that we have three new students since elementary. It's not the fact that they're scholarship kids because I really don't care but three kids getting them? This school has a 1% rate of acceptance.

A Two Year DesireNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ