Chapter Twenty Nine

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It's been a month and so far everything is going good in my opinion at least, school had been the same old but next week we have finals for the last time and then I graduate. The day I've been looking forward to all these years it's finally here.

As for Alex we don't know anything she still missing and I feel guilty for going on with my life but I'm not looking back I'm getting updates from her case every now and then still I'm desperate to find her but little by little I'm loosing hope that she's even alive. I mean after my best friend and my brother left because they saw her blood and were basically involved I can't do much but pray she is alive and hopefully safe I know that won't happen until she's home but I really hope she's okay, safe, alive, and healthy.

I have been doing all sorts of things to keep off my mind these couple of weeks like I joined a boxing place with Dylan where we both train together. He's actually been around quite a lot and it's fun being around someone again. After that night where I lost my temper dylan came over the next night since Nico called him too and told him how sometimes I completely loose it so he sent him.

Dylan found me in my dads office with shattered glass everywhere around me he at first thought I went mental but after I told him how my dad left and how I feel alone just that soppy stuff I've never told anyone he understood and we bonded since that day. He comes over quite a lot after his football practice and even spends nights here because he's too tired to drive himself back home and sometimes max even comes too. I don't mind it because I hate the idea of being alone but sometimes it's nice when he doesn't come because I also like spending time alone. If that makes sense.

Dylan helped me renovate the house but there is still quite a lot to do to the house but we're taking it slow and I'm a very indecisive person meaning I don't now what I want for the house to look like exactly yet.

"Adelina you coming?" Dylan calls from his car. He became my little chauffeur to and back from school since my car broke down and no one car repair it yet since it's very rare. I'm currently talking to Grace who is telling me all about the hot new guy who just moved to town by the gossip I've heard he doesn't have much money but works at the car dealership five minutes from my house.

"I'm telling you that man has- he has and ugly beard and a stupid face" she changes her mood as Liam comes over with a weird look plastered on his face.

"Just go with max Im fine I have to check on my car" I tell him. "Want me to drive you there they probably finished it already" he offers but I know he needs to spend time with max. Oh yeah did I mention they're dating now! Yes! Max and Dylan are dating I had my suspicions after that night at the hotel in Paris when they were both happy they got a room together.

"They can't finish something they haven't started it's fine go with max Grace will drive me there and it's only five minutes from my house I'll be okay" I reassure him he's skeptical because ever since that night he's had this need of protection over me like I'm some delicate doll that will break any second.

"With those heels you're going to walk back home?"

"I will take them off it's only five minutes I have to walk"

"Get you're driver to pick you up"

"Fine now leave"

He agrees after hard negotiations and finally bids his goodbyes. "Bye max have fun" I wink as they drive away which they both laugh at.

Once Grace finally drops me off at the dealer ship I'm left there with no one just the smell of oil and car stuff I have no idea what they are or how they work but I know some are tools and some are car pieces. At least I think I'm not sure I know nothing the only thing I know how to do is drive but I still mess that up I've gotten six tickets in two weeks.

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