Chapter Thirty Eight

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Three months ago..

"Hey Alex" I draw the hey as she gives me a small smile in return I had a gut feeling she had something going on but the news I had for her couldn't wait and I could ask her what's wrong later on.

"Hey babe what's up" I notice the distinct pull from her phone to her chest the small gesture was questionable for a while but if something was going on Alex would tell me and not be so secretive like right now. "Wanna hang out today?" I ask, she looks back down to her phone before responding.

"Of course where?" I tap my finger to my chin "the mall of the town or city you choose"

"The city I need to get a dress for this one party" I clap excited "Great" she looks confused for a second before looking around "where's Grace at isn't she coming with like always?" Waving her off before I respond.

"Nah she was going to come but said she had to finish a thing with Liam a project maybe?" She shrugs "I didn't know they had other classes together and that involved a project"

"Yeah I was confused but waved it off, o-m-g" I gasp "What?!" She asks startled.

"What if they're hooking up!" She laughs "no way those two hate each other and if they were hooking up and later date no way they would last" I furrow my eyebrows as we approach my car.

"Why wouldn't they last?" I'm not sure if the question was for them or more for my old situation. "Because they would have to many issues" she throws her backpack in the back as do I before continuing.

"Let's say they date right?" I nod "okay well one it will be hard to actually get out of what they're normally used to like no public affection or only being around each other just to hook up or even worse not knowing if after everything if they're exclusive" I laugh "You sound like you have had the same experience before" she doesn't say anything

"O-m-G you totally have!" I accuse while her cheeks turn into a shade of pink" I Pat her back for support "it's okay you're not the only one"

"You have too?" I nod while she gasps "who was it" I cover my face in embarrassment with my hands before answering her "Mathias" I whisper "What?" She yells even though I know she heard thanks to her small smile she's trying to hide.

"Mathias" I say a little louder "huh What sorry i can't hear, youknow Mother Nature and all" she says putting the window down.

"It was mathias" I Yelp causing her to laugh loudly as I join in it too. "That is hilarious but when did it happen"

"Two years ago" she nods "that's a long time" this time I nod finally turning on the car and driving out if the parking lot. "Do you still like him"

"I never liked him" I lie "you totally have liked him you can tell" she pokes my cheek "how?"

"Just the way you guys talk it's like you two aren't fond of each other but that doesn't stop the small flirting conversations you guys have if you ask me it's kind of cute" I shake my head

"Not cute and no way I would die before being with Mathias again" I defend "you guys were together exclusively?" She asks I shake my head again.

"Nah we would only be able to be with each other"

"Why did end?" Because I liked him but he didn't reciprocate the same feelings but I don't say that instead I shrug "We both wanted different stuff so we parted ways"

"Doesn't look very parted to me" she laughs at her own tease "Well we are, and nothing was going to end good. we both knew we just used each-other for sex and I believe that everything has to end, right?" she shrugs

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