Chapter Twelve

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Hurting girls feelings has been an enjoyment of mine for all these years I might get called a dick for it but I don't care. Hurting them and seeing how much I made an impact on them brings joy to my eyes I have no Idea why. I might just be a psycho and don't even know it but just seeing them beg for me to come back or act desperate around me makes me feel proud of the man I am.

Hurting her though is different I didn't feel accomplished I felt like a dick but after she told me she didn't have any sort of feelings for me whatsoever I felt empty. Like if someone had broke my heart. no actually not my heart more like my limb or something. Probably a pinky.

Anyways, her telling me how she wants to pursue something with someone who isn't me felt horrible maybe its because im so used to girls begging me about wanting me back that it feels weird she didn't. Which is why I have a plan for Miss. Adelina Arrison I will make it my mission to make her fall in love with me and when she's finally ready to tell me I will break her to peaces. No matter how long it takes even if it takes up the whole school year I have to do it. I sound like a child but I need to it's like a craving to be near her but she might be stuck to max now. That guy is good looking I will admit but why him?

I way more good looking than him yet she's still hanging out with him. Earlier I checked her location but she has it off unfortunately for some reason I wanted to know what she was up to I wanted to know what she was doing or who she was doing. Her with someone makes me want to barf I know we aren't together and she hates me but the thought of someone else with her other than me makes me mad. I don't understand why im like this over a girl this has never happened before. She's a spoiled brat full of daddy and mommy's money I mean I am too but don't take advantage of it.

She's annoying and full of sarcasm I don't know why I came up with the idea about the friends with benefits she just seemed like the type of person to just like fun and no relationship. In the back of my head though I thought she would fall for me or at least like me a bit but she didn't. I didn't hope for it ofcourse I just kind of wished she did. To break her heart of course.

I made the decision to go to the twins house to visit nico and if lin was there that would be a plus too.

"Matteo whats up man I didn't know we had plans" Nico says opening the two huge doors to their estate. This house never fails to impress me it's amazing. I know the Arrison's have money and a lot it just never sticks that they could be this wealthy.

"I was bored and had nothing to do" I shrug. I man its true the house is quite boring without anyone there. I usually enjoy quietness and the feeling of just being alone but sometimes I don't like the feeling of being lonely as much as being alone. It might be difficult to understand but the idea of being alone is great and all it just sucks when you actually feel lonely.

"Ah got it I was just about to call the guys and you to come over I was quite bored too" he says as we enter his room. Nico and I have been friends for years it really crazy how I haven't gotten tired of him I would call him my best friend other than liam but neither of them can know that they would go crazy. "Don't you have your sister though"

Very smooth

"She said she was going for a bit anyways I called Grace, Alex, Max, Dylan, and Liam to come over and Adelina is coming in a bit too, Woah it's crazy how our friend group has grown right? like If the guys and Alex didn't come I would only say liam and grace but now were a big friend group can you believe that!" Nico starts rambling but I only listen to a certain part.

Adelina is probably with another guy right now she told Nico she was out but never said if it was with a guy or girl. Nico called the girls meaning she might not be with them. What if she is with another guy will that ruin my plan? I know she's not into me but what type of guy is she with? What's he type? Why do I care? I need to focus on the plan not a stupid girl who I need to play around.

That's all she is just a girl like everyone else she might be wealthier than most but that doesn't mean she isn't as annoying. "Mathias dude you good?" I nod "Yeah im good just thinking about random shit" I didn't exactly lie I was just not specific on what I meant.

"Did Mathias Knight finally get whiped into thinking about a girl" He teases earning a slap in the head from me.

"I don't like anyone dumbass I was just thinking about fucking school" I change the subject I don't want to tell my bestfriend im planning to shag his sister again. The first time he found out we had to tell him well everyone in the group basically. The whole school knew or had their suspicions we were sort of together I got dirty glares from guys while lin got them from girls it was such a sight to see lin curve every guy who came close to her while I was around I don't know if she did the same when I wasn't but I hope she was loyal to a non existence relationship.

I don't think what I did was exactly cheating but in the back of my mind I kind of feel like it was even though we 'broke up' I shouldn't have done that childish thing. I was an idiot probably still am but I think everyone deserves a second chance for change.

"What classes aren't you passing? and we have like four more months of school so how are you going to get them up?" He asks turning on his pc while I turn on the one next to it. "History and I don't know how the class isn't even hard I just don't have the motivation to do it"

"Is that the class you have with lin?" I nod "Why not ask her for the answers? she gives them to liam and grace how do you think they're passing their AP classes" We both laugh they aren't the brightest people which is why the whole group wants them together that and we all think they have major sexual chemistry.

"I never really thought about it most times I forget we're friends"

"Oh well she will definitely give you the answers if you ask or just tell me which pages you need and I'll get them" As we play the rest come in trying to find a seat "Hey guys early party starters I see" Alex laughs giving nico a hug. With Dylan and max following behind.

"Where's the two idiots" Nico says referring to Liam and grace "Liam is picking her up but on her way she got her lady thing so she made liam go to the pharmacy to get her some stuff plus food" Alex explains "How about lina where is she" Max asks

"You guys haven't heard from her either?" Once Dylan finishes his sentence Nico gets a call from his sister. "Hey lin whats up we were just talking about you" He says sarcastically "chill im out with a new friend he's cool i'll be home in 10 or 5 what -she asks the guy which is muffled - yeah like 10 minutes"

"Oh okay so why call" he asks "Oh yeah I was calling you to give you a heads up he's coming with me so your not surprised"

"oh okay the guys and alex are here"

"how about liam and grace"

"on their way"

"alright anyways gotta go bye" the line goes dead before nico can answer back. This is gonna be a hell of a long night.

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