Chapter Thirty Nine

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Seven years ago ...

"Mom!" I tell once I hear the doorbell ring meaning she finally came home like always she looks amazing very professional my mom couldn't be more beautiful.

"Adelina is late what are you doing up?" She says in her usual scowl I shrug as she picks me up holding me at her hip as she looks for who knows what. I'm pretty tired so I yawn. "What are you looking for mom?"

"Your brother, where is he?" I shrug again while she puts me down on the ninth stair case. "Is he awake?" Another shrug "Dina you have to tell me why one the house is a mess and two where is your brother and dad" I take my blanket to my side as I'm scared of her tone.

It might be her usual tone but sometimes it gets me scared just thinking I got her mad. I hate making my mom mad it's scary.

"Dad took Nicholas on a trip" I whisper she seemed not to hear at first before something in her brain clicked maybe and she did a loud gasp causing me to get a jump scare. "Dina I'm going to leave you at the knights for the night okay?"

"What for?"

"I need to go find Nico and you need to sleep it will be fun being with teo for the night right?" She fakely smiled

"Not really he is mean"

"Great! Go get your stuff I'll make a housekeeper or maid to bring you your school and uniform for school tomorrow got it?" I nod obediently I don't like disobeying my mom.

I run up the stairs to my room and grab my backpack for sleepovers with my toothbrush and toothpaste paste because no one likes a dirty mouth I run past nicos room before running past it again just to go inside of it and grab his blanket invade when he comes back and he's cold. I don't want him to die of being cold.

"You ready" I nod "Good come on" and we're off to the knights.

Once we get to the knights estate we're greeted with Mathias nannie emily. She's a sweet lady who takes care of us from time to time at first I was kind of skeptical about her until one time at a gala she stole a plate of cookies for us since we weren't allowed to get the kids food and had to eat what the adults are eating.

"Hey Adelina" she says in her chirpy voice like always I silently wave her a hello before entering once I do it's like no time before mom rushes out the door and into the car with her phone tightly around her hand as if she's waiting for a call or something.

"Mathias is awake in his room if you want to go up" she grabs my bag from my shoulder as she leads me upstairs to his bedroom.

"Whatcha doing here" he's startled by my presence once I walk into the room but if I wasn't so tired I would've given him a snarky comment back but all I want to do is sleep and for my luck Mathias has one of the comfiest beds ever.

"She's staying the night thias be nice" Emily warns he puts his hands up in defense like always and goes back to his game he's playing I don't pay much attention to that either as I quickly scan the room for his bed and flop on it.

"Right just lay down like it's you're house" I shrug and do as he says "Great thanks"

"Lin it was an expression like how we learned in school" I roll my eyes bringing his fluffy blanket half way "Theo" I say in a lazy voice

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