Chapter Fifty Nine

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He was a god lay, not much of a great person and 'not knowing better' because his father wasn't around is the only excuse he likes to use  because he's too scared to admit that he is exactly like him. Maybe even worst. 

Many girls he lost count long ago, they weren't worth it though a special brunette had  place in his heart that no other girl could even come close to reaching, he hated the feeling of her being on his mind Mathias didn't want her in his mind he cheated on her for that exact reason. But fucking other women can't change the fact that hes an assole. 

So he took it into his own hands and made a promise that he will become better he has to or he would end up in the same place his father was at 22. Other than a millionaire he was a cheating drunk who slept around with the whole world. 

The more he reminisces about his father the more he sees himself in him. Adelina couldn't be more right when she said that he was exactly like him that night, his mother wouldn't be proud. 

Mathias clears his mind as he's out with marisol he looked at her as she sat next to him her ginger hair which is up in a bun has a few strands falling to the sides of her face she's so into the movie she didn't realize when he moved those strands to the back of her ears. 

"Babe?" Marisol asks, Mathias thinks about that time back in sophmore year when Adelina and him were outside a parking lot passing a joint back and forth as they made fun of their least favorite words. She told him how much she hated the word babe not because it's cliche but it's just something about the word that irks something in her, she used to say how it also depended on who said it or how they said it. They laughed about it for hours even though there was nothing to be laughing about. 

"I want a dog" She puts more popcorn in her mouth as she looks at him with her very own puppy dogs, storm crosses his mind almost instantly. "Why the sudden interest in having one?" 

"I met the cutest dog today and I just wanted to take it home with me the girl who had him was super nice and absolutely stunning im telling you she had the body of a greek goddess not a single flaw like-" He puts a finger on her lips 

"Get to the point" she laughs "He was super cute and I want one" cue the puppy eyes and the quivering lip. He thought about how badly he's been treating her and he can't be the same guy he's been for the past years.

"Please" She pleads, he lets out an exhausting sigh  "Fine"  In a blink of an eye marisol was straddling Mathias. 

"Really?" Mathias nods even though the last thing he wants is a dog, the last one he got attached to wasn't even his but it felt like it was.

Marisol was like a butterfly and a flower, beautiful and sought after, yet unassuming and gentle. She was pretty to look at but hard to catch. Mathias caught her and he would be stupid to let her go. 

she played with his hair as he stared at her, she was cute beautiful maybe even gorgeous no words in the dictionary will ever fully describe her. In a way she reminded him of Adelina he thought about how that shouldn't happen that after all these years she shouldn't be popping in his mind but she's a part of him she will always be and he can't let that go. not yet. 

- - - 

At the same time Adelina sat on her balcony looking up at the sky classical music playing on her headphones, a hot tea that kept her hands warm. Everything she looked at reminded her of him he's engraved into her mind, sometimes she wished he never existed that what they had was never real most times she look back at the past all she remembers is pain and suffer. 

But other times all she can remember was laughter and happiness, she thought about the possibility of her getting a wish someday she can't wish for fortune  like most she grew up with it and even if it's the only thing most want she doesn't, She wants a life where she doesn't get hurt a life where her mother and father actually loved her a life where she can finally be happy. 

She would've given her life for his, in a way she did because the pain and betrayal has been killing her slowly for years. 

"Are you okay there?" Jacky walks in tapping on the glass window with her own cup of tea but here's has sugar. She always loved her stuff sweetened. "Just thinking" Adelina stretches, moving slightly to make room for her. 

"Wanna vent?" Adelina nods as Jacky sits down in front of her, taking in the sight of the city under them. 

"It's so fucking twisted, you know" 

"What is?"  

"This whole 'love' thing. You fall in love and you literally fall. You crash to the ground and I swear to god all your bones break. You're fucking shattered but you don't notice because you've got this beautiful boy whispering in your ear and kissing your neck and nothing else matters. But then he leaves and suddenly you feel it. You feel everything. And you're hysterically crying in your car at 4 in the morning in some empty parking lot because it's the only place that doesn't taste like him and you're trying to hold your bones together but his old t- shirts don't work as a cast, wrapping them around your chest won't fix the craters in your ribs, Nothing stops the aching of him." 

"It won't ever stop" Jacky speaks 

"But I want it to. Just thinking about it reopens a stitched up wound" 

"If there is any advice that I have is that a person that truly loves you will never let you go no matter how difficult the situation is or was"

"He has a girlfriend now" Adelina looks at the dark city the only reason you could see everything is because of the lights that are always turned on, she found it fascinating the first place where she finally thought she fit in no one cared what you did or who you were they had their own lives and that's the only thing they focused on. 

"I checked instagram did a bit of digging" She shrugged "Psycho" Jackie snorts

"Did you-" 

"NO- shut up" 

A Two Year DesireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora