Chapter Twenty five

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"Lin" He says looking down at the floor not meeting my eyes like if he was afraid of letting me see him. He was wearing a black hoodie with matching black pants that were dirty.

He takes a step forward into the house instead of being outside in the dark I notice his hands in his pockets with his hood on facing the floor not even trying to look me in the eyes.

"Teo you're scaring me what's going on why can't you look me in the eyes" I ask but get nothing in return instead he moves past me still not one look and into the bathroom.

"Sure pass along" I scoff closing the door and taking a seat on the couch wrapping myself in a blanket. Once he comes out of the bathroom with his hood off I notice the black eye on his left eye causing me to gasp a little too loudly.

"Teo what happened and don't say you can't tell me because you came to my house at 3 something am so please explain it doesn't have to have details" I sigh once he takes a seat where my feet were at. I move them so he can sit but when he does take the seat he lunges my feet onto his lap.

"Lin can you wait a few minutes first please it's not that I don't want you to know Im waiting still" this time he sighs in frustration I think he's so tired with whatever happened today that he cuddles into my arms like a little boy. I take him because it would be rude of me to deny him plus I think he needs the company.

"I know this might feel weird for you right now but believe it or not you're my safe space so I need you right now" he yawned probably because whatever went down tonight was really big that got my boy tired ass hell.

About an hour gets by of us in each other's presence when Nico, Liam, and Dylan all walk in with different cuts or bruises on they're face that already look taken cared of thank god because I don't want to play nurse.

I've watched Grey's anatomy more than I can count and the only thing I know is pushing one of Epi. "What the fuck is going on all of you sit now" I order the three giants standing I front of me.

"Can you explain now I don't want poor Max or Grace coming in with a black eye or a cut on her lip" I emphasized but the guys just gave me weird looks and took the ice packs I handed them.

"Why do you all have blood shot eyes if it was just a fight with who knows who" I ask but all they can do is look at each other wiping any tear that drops.

"We didn't know you were gonna be awake which is why we came here" Nico starts. "So what? You were gonna act like nothing happened When it definitely did" I argue.

"Addi sit" Dylan croaked I looked around before sitting and they all had the look like they just saw a ghost.

"Did you guys get in a fight" I began to which they nod to.

"Did you win the fight?" I ask it was ment to come off as a joke to lighten the mood but it wasn't much of a joke when none of them laughed. "Yes and no" Liam says looking around to the guys.

"Yes and no?" I ask back

"We beat the guys up but" Teo trials off

"But what" nothing "but what?" I ask again.

"Alex was there" Mathias says softly like he was talking to someone with sensible ears that could nearly hear him even though he's next to me.

"Why was she there? Where is she now? What happened? Is she okay? She's my best friend you know? I might have not known her for too long but she was my bestfriend" I ramble on not believing they're words. They're is no reason for Alex to be there with the guys most specifically talking about how they got beat up to a pulp and if they look like this I can only imagine what happened to Alex.

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