Ch 41

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Enzo Toun

"Wow that's a lot of cars" Liam said as we pulled into my parents place, it was true. A bunch of my extended family was there after all. 

I turned to see the nervous look on his face "We don't have to-"

"Come on. we're already late" he said once I parked the car. I looked at him warily but he got out, opening the back door for Alexis and she immediately took his hand.  I sighed and got out walking beside them. You could already here all the loud chatter and kids screaming and running g around.

 "A few warnings, my parents- well my whole family.  Are very um...affectionate and touchy" I said knowing he wasn't the biggest fan of physical contact from strangers.

"it's ok. I'm willing to put down my walls, for you" he smiled making my heart skip a beat. He was really willing to do that for me. I felt a blush grow on my face as we walked to the front door. I opened the door leading them in.

The few in the livingroom turned their attention to me and I felt Liam shift a little uncomfortably at the sudden attention, but Alexis seemed to be loving it although everyone went back to what they were doing. I was happy to see all of them again, some of them I hadn't since last Christmas time.

My first instinct was to pull Liam closer to me and he stumbled but complied. 

Mom was the first to rush over pulling me in a hug. "Oh my baby. I missed you so much" She smiled at me, and I heard Liam slightly chuckle as she reached up and pinched my cheeks.

"My favorite son. I missed you" Dad said coming up behind her and practically crushing me in a hug as his deep laugh echoed.

"I missed you too old man...and I'm you're only son" I coughed as he let go, both of them turned to Liam and Alexis behind me.

"Who is that?" One of my nephews beat them to the question as he asked pointing to Alexis, who only narrowed her eyes at him clearly picking that habit up from her father. but hers couldn't even be considered a glare. 

"everyone this is Liam he's my-" I hesitated not knowing if he would change his mind about wanting to meet them as my boyfriend.

"Boyfriend" Liam finished and I nodded turning back to them.

"Yea boyfriend, and this is his child Alexis" I said with a huge smile on my face.

Mom, who was definitely where I got my love for kids from, dropped to Alexis' level with a smile. "oh aren't you the cutest" She coo'd and Alexis smiled at her. 

"I'm Alexis Moonhovan, like papa. He's name is also Moonhovan" She said making me remember when I first met her what was now months ago, but her introduction managed to get a chuckle or at least a smile out of all the adults in the room.

Dad turned to Liam with a warm smile reaching out his hand to shake and I was glad he didn't grizzly hug my boyfriend away. "Nice to meet you Liam. I hope my son is treating you both well" He said and Liam shook his hand with a smile and nod.

"How rude of me." Mom exclaimed standing up. "Sorry, I just love children. I'm Enzo's mother" She said hugging him and he awkwardly pat her back making me chuckle. "Please, come in and feel at home" She said putting a hand behind his back to usher him in.

Within the first five minutes one of my nieces had come to invite Alexis to play to which she was quick to accept after getting am approving nod from Liam and they run over to the other kids. still in our view.

"Woah, last time I saw you. You were sleeping around like it was a national competition and now you have a pretty boyfriend and a Kid. What the fuck happened to you in one year?" Elijah, one of my closest cousins chuckled throwing an arm over my shoulder. We we're about the same age with him being slightly older so we spent a lot of our childhood together.

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