Ch 11

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Liam Moonhovan

Enzo's car was already parked when I arrived, and he stood on the porch with his bags in his arms. I signaled for him to follow my car through the garage, and he did so. When I stepped out of the car, I was greeted by him standing there. 

"Sorry I took a while, I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long" I said locking the car. I'm not sure why I felt bad or the need to apologize to him; I think it's because I'm not accustomed to having anybody around besides Zach and Zaria, who just let themselves in anyway.

 "It's no problem, I live close by so I got here faster" He shrugged following me into the house through the garage door. 

"What's in the bags?" I asked trying to peak through curiously. 

"Oh, look at you being all nosy," he said as he placed them on the kitchen counter.

 "Well, you're in my house, and for all I know, that might be a bomb," I defended. 

As I sat at the island, Enzo chuckled, "No, it's not a bomb."

"All right, then, what is it?" My vision was slightly obscured by the few blond locks that managed to fall forward as I turned to look at him, and I asked with my hand on the island top to support my head, the heel of my palm on my cheek,  "I know you don't like going out, so I figured we could spend the day together instead of going out, but I didn't want to have you cook. So I bought snacks" he beamed.

For some reason, that made my mind think he was cute. His cheesy smile? The one I despise the most. I sighed and pushed my thoughts out of my mind. I'm just getting in way over my head.

"We can watch a movie" I suggest with a shrug, chuckling as he made a similar expression to that Alexis usually made. "Great, you can pick" he said taking out the sacks. "I'm not big on movies so you pick as I change" I said staring down at my work attire. "Mk" Enzo smiled as I went up the stairs to my room. But the time I'd changed to a simple shirt and black sweatpants Enzo had fixed all the snacks and the TV was paused on the Netflix logo as he sat on his phone.

"What did you pick?" I wondered as I trudged up to the sofa and flopped alongside him. Enzo looked up at me with his usual smile. He shrugged and said, "It's just a random movie." I set an alarm for half an hour before I needed to pick up Alexis, then put my phone aside while he resumed the movie. The loud beat of the Netflix intro slightly startling me. It turned out to be a rom-com about a girl falling in love with some guy, while she had a  boyfriend.

"That's fucking stupid," I muttered as I snatched up another piece of popcorn.

 We were about halfway through the film when the guy did something wrong and the main character simply ran away. "It's not stupid she's genuinely hurt" Enzo protested looking over at me.

"She wouldn't be if she just listened to him explain that it wasn't what it looked like. All that is needed is basic communication "With a roll of my eyes, I said. 

"But she was hurt. You'd want to get out of there as soon as possible as well "Enzo remarked, munching on a candy. 

"I wouldn't, because I'm no dumb enough to fall in love. You only get hurt" I said watching his expression shift from one of playfulness to serious and his smile dropping.

"I mean, it doesn't mean I criticize others who do it, as long as they don't do idiotic stuff like her," I explained, hoping he didn't misunderstand. I felt really bad seeing him sad, and I didn't mean to offend or upset him.

Enzo chuckled and returned his attention to the screen. "Look, he went out of his way to explain everything, and they're going to fall in love. It's a complete cliché "he replied, pointing to the screen, sluggishly.

 I gave him a worrisome glance before nodding and returning my gaze to the screen; my eyelids were beginning to feel weary, but we were only half an hour in.





I opened my eyes and looked around after feeling a hand brush over my temple. I was still in the living room when I noticed my head was resting on Enzo's shoulder. 

I quickly glanced up, my pulse racing, my stomach knotting, and my face becoming heated. "Oh you're awake," he remarked, beaming down at me, which just added to my distress.

"Yea. Sorry, I was probably more exhausted from work than I thought "I stated as I sat up and pushed away.

 "Don't worry, the movie just finished," he added, pointing to the screen's credits. 

"How did it end?"  I inquired as I moved closer to the opposite side of the sofa.

 "Just like I predicted. They kissed and fell in love when he apologized. She even got pregnant, and they eventually married "He muttered eagerly before abruptly altering his tone to one that was more calm and careless. "Like every other cliché."

I preferred it when he was talkative and enthusiastic over whatever it is that was. "Uh, that's a pretty nice ending" I admitted biting my lip.

 "Are you all right?" He asked leaning forward.

 "Yes," I said as I looked at the clock and groaned as I stood up. "I have to go....there's something important I have to do" 

"Oh yeah you did say you only have two hours" he said getting up. 

We cleaned up and had a light conversation. Before heading to pick up Alexis, I said my goodbyes to Enzo and changed into more respectable clothes. 

I groaned as I drove towards the school; I'd been feeling this way since Enzo left. I'm not sure how to express it, but I kept thinking of all of the time we've spent together, over the past months calls and all.  A heavy feeling in my chest

Did I... miss him?

Look at my baby, discovering his feelings and shit. we love to see it!

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