ch 22

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Liam Moonhovan

It's been almost a week since the whole thing with Enzo. We haven't spoken since, and if I'm being honest, I have missed him. Alexis made it pretty clear she did too. I found myself checking my phone frequently for a good morning or night text, as well as his random texts or memes, but there was never anything, which made my heart drop a little. I know it was up to me to make the first move, but I still didn't know what to do.

As for coming out, Zaria was still the only one who knew. She of course tried to encourage me to come out to Zach, but I just couldn't do it. Managing Alexis and working has also helped me to divert my attention to some degree

"Liam!" Zach stormed into my office, seeming enraged and hurt?

"What's the matter? Is everything ok?" Because it appeared to be intended specifically at me, I inquired nervously.

 I was panicking since very little had ever gotten Zach to display such negative emotions. Even if I know Zaria wouldn't out me It's still the first thing that sprang to mind. 

"What's going on? Really? Is that all you've got to say to me?" Zach enragedly asked, his fists flailing in the air. Although my stomach was knotted and my heart was racing against my head, which was jumping to all conceivable conclusions, I stared at him puzzled.

He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "Did you get the most recent article from the social team?" He asked in an agitated tone as I shook my head. He slapped the iPad on my table with his hand. I gave him a puzzled look before turning to the article. My heart dropped at the title.

"Liam Moonhovan, has a new male lover?!?"

followed with pictures.

Me and Enzo holding hands as we skated staring into each others eyes

Us seated at the restaurant talking.

Us having Frozen Yogurt with Alexis

Us at the arcade.

His arms around me as he showed me how to play.

Playing with Alexis.

Us at dinner.

Walking to the car with Alexis sleeping.

It was all there. I was horrified as I read about my new 'male lover' and how I even let my daughter meet him.  He was still 'unidentified,' according to the article, which was also packed with homophobic insults and obscenities. 

When I looked up at Zach, I was confronted with hurt and betrayal in his eyes. "It's not going to affect business in any way, nor is it really popular, and it's unlikely to be seen by anyone other than us, given that we're not celebrants or anything." He said pulling the iPad from me as our eyes locked "Why didn't you tell me, though?" He asked in a hurt voice.

I couldn't think of anything to say, so I just stood there watching him chuckle bitterly and storm out of my office. 

I had promised myself that I would not lose my best friend. I sprang to my feet, grabbed my phone, and dashed after him, only to see the elevator doors close. I sighed as I looked up at the stairwell. I knew if I let him leave, he'd shun me forever

When I got down the bottom, everyone was staring at me and muttering, but I couldn't care less what they were thinking. "Zach!" I yelled out to the car, he backed out of the parking spot. He drove away, utterly ignoring me.

 I muttered and walked frustrated over to my car. I drove out heading to Alexis' school, she should be out soon anyway, I waited for about half an hour although I was too busy thinking that it felt so short.

She appeared ecstatic to see me early for once and enthusiastically got in the back and started talking, and I made sure to offer my normal remarks. 

When we arrived at Zaria's house, she answered the door and looked at me with a sorrowful expression. "Why don't you get started on your schoolwork, Alexis? You'll find cookies on the table "Alexis nodded as she walked to her dining room. 

Zaria motioned for me to follow her upstairs so Alexis wouldn't hear us, and I sat on the side of the bed next to her

"I'm guessing Zach told you?" I asked, my gaze falling to my lap. 

"Mhmm he left less than ten minutes ago. Showed me the article too" She said.

 I ran my hand through my hair and remarked, "I messed up big time and double at that." 

"You haven't spoken to Enzo yet?" She asked and I shook my head. 

"Zach isn't going to want to see my face till he's calmed down, and for all I know, Enzo might not want to either." I replied, frustrated. 

"I'm going to be honest,", She said gently putting a hand on my shoulder " Even I don't know what to do or what to tell you, and technically by twin code, I'm also meant to be angry at you. But You already have enough for gods sake" Zaria let out a sigh. "So, if you feel the need to talk or cry, please do so. I'm here, but I can only offer so much help "She replied with a regretful expression on her face.

"I'll be ok. I know you feel the need to protect me but I It's not your responsibility to solve all a my problems. I'm just gonna go get some rest. Thank you "I stood up, trying to ignore her worried expression. 

Zach didn't pick up my calls, or respond to all texts, or voicemails for the whole day.

Was he really that mad that I liked men?

Maybe he was disgusted?

What if he no longer wants to be friends?

That night, I couldn't sleep because I was so worried about how I was going to fix things. 

Alexis was concerned because she thought it meant both of them would be missing her party which then made her upset. I'm sure even if they we're mad at me they'd surely still come for Alexis but I needed to fix things myself before that.

How do you guys think this will end?

Is Zach actually homophobic?

What's been going with Enzo over the past week?

Will Liam actually fix things with both of them...or will he end up losing one forever?

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