ch 2

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Friday evening: Liam Moonhovan

"Okay, papa, bye-bye. Have fun "Alexis smiled as she walked through the door. 

"Good night, honey, remember to get to bed on time and-" I was cut off by Zaria, who was following Alexis and picking her up. 

"Relax, Liam. We're having a girls' night in.  You should concentrate on making sure my idiot brother does not end up on the news again "Alexis was playing with her long brown hair and chuckled at her statement.

It was amusing to me how she and Zach were twins but the polar opposites. Despite the fact that they were not identical, Zach was loud, passionate, obnoxious, and generally irresponsible. Zariah, on the other hand, was smart, logical, responsible, and nice, and she didn't drag me to every new club that opened. "Yeah, that's more work than you'd think," I chuckled, and Zach hit the car horn again, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Ok enjoy your girls night. Thanks again, Zar "I said hugging Alexis and kissed her on the forehead and hugging Zar. I'd known her for as long as Zach had, and she'd become like a sister to me. I turned around and walked down the porch steps to the red sports vehicle, where Zach sat expectantly in the front seat. 

"We should have just taken my car, since I'm going to end up driving back anyway," I sighed as I buckled my seatbelt. 

"Actually, there's a tiny motel across the street from the club that way can both get wasted; I already checked us in online," he remarked as he drove down the street. I mean, I dreaded driving with Zach drunk because he was so unpredictable., so I didn't object.

 When we arrived at the club, a swarm of girls surrounded us. well.... mostly Zach because I ignored them. 

I was beginning to regret letting Zach pick my outfit and slick my hair back with a single bothersome strand falling over my face as we arrived in an expensive looking car, dressed in black button-down shirts with the first three buttons undone and matching black pants and shoes. 

The club was packed with people, flashing colorful lights, and loud music. Zach, of course, had rented a booth for us and invited about three girls to join us. The booth was essentially a large semi-circle couch with a small low black table in the center that already had drinks on it.

 One of the girls sat in his lap wearing a quite revealing outfit, while the other two, dressed similarly, sat beside him. I essentially scowled at everybody who tried to approach me and make meaningless conversation while pressing their boobs all over me like they did to Zach.

"Come on Liam, let loose. It's about time you had some sex or a love life," Zach yelled over the loud music, as the girls seemed absorbed with their own conversation. 

"I don't do one-night stands nor have time for relationships." I explained, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Fine, at least have a goddamn drink" he responded, motioning to the Vodka and Tequila on the table. I grumbled and stood up, drawing everyone's attention to myself. 

" I'm going to get a whisky at the bar." I said sliding out from my seat "Don't expect me to come back. I'll see you at the hotel tomorrow morning" I murmured as I walked away, knowing I'd probably leave before him. 

I heard Zach say something to the effect of "Get fucked or fucked up" making me roll my eyes

A few others tried to attract my attention or persuade me to dance with them on the way to the bar on the other side, but I simply ignored them. I was in desperate need of a drink. When I arrived, I sighed and sat on the farthest distant bar stool, against the wall. 

"I'll have a whisky," I told the bartender, who nodded and turned to grab my drink. 

"Are you here by yourself?" I turned to see a female with a curvaceous figure, long blond hair, and blue eyes who many would consider lovely, but to me she was simply another unpleasant person. 

"Yea, and I'd like it to stay that way," I responded, returning to the bar and staring at her out of the corner of my eye.

"Damn. rich and attractive, yet with a trashy personality" She whispered as she stood up and walked back to her friends' table. another reason for pushing people away, all they wanted to do was flunt that I'm rich or good-looking according to societal standards at least.

 I couldn't help but scoff as the bartender pushed the little glass half-full of amber liquid and ice. I flashed him a grateful nod. "You can charge this and whatever else I order to Zachery Ridley's tab. Booth number eight "I said taking a sip

Someone sat next to me, calling for one shot. I didn't mind them as long as they didn't talk to me. I glanced at him with my lips pulled together in a thin line out of curiosity. He had a strong frame and long dark hair that was parted in the middle and dropped down to his gorgeous jawline. He resembled one of those Mafia bosses you'd see in movies. I noticed he had pierced his ears and was wearing little silver studs as he jerked his head back to take a shot.

"Like what you see?" He questioned, tilting his head in my direction and lifting an eyebrow teasingly. I rolled my eyes and returned my attention to the whiskey I was caring for, trying not to die of embarrassment at being caught practically eyeing him up. 

"There's no need to be shy; you're quite attractive yourself." I could almost feel the heat rising from my face. 

"Go fuck yourself. I don't swing that way" I said glaring at him "I was only watching others around me " With a roll of the eyes, I added. 

He nodded as I flung my head back and drank the rest of the whiskey all at once. "Please give me another."

Zach might have been right. It felt great to relax and enjoy a few drinks. Considering my tolerance for alcohol is strong and I don't have to worry about driving home, I had one, then another, and another. 

"Woah, shouldn't you slow down a little?" the guy murmured, concernedly peering over at me.

"Won't you fuck off?" I asked, my gaze fixed on his as I spun my glass in little circles. 

"I'm just concerned. You don't look like you belong here or drink that much "He said leaning in closer  Before turning to face him, I took another gulp. I could feel his breath on me because our faces were so close. 

"Fuck off, I said. I'm capable of holding my liquor "I sneered, my pupils constricted. I was buzzed but not drunk, and yet I felt suddenly more confident. Given his physique, he could certainly pick me up and throw me across the club with one hand if he so chose.

But all he did was chuckle and sneer as he placed his hand on my chin. "It was just a remark, don't get your pants twisted." His breath smelt strongly of alcohol. My gut twisted into knots at his proximity; if any of us moved an inch closer, our faces would practically be pressed together.

"Don't you have any friends or anyone else you could bother?" I asked, my brow furrowed, refusing to back down.

 "I came here by myself and am single. Why do you ask? Interested in taking me home?" In a mocking tone, he inquired. 

"You wish. and as I already told you, I do not swing that way "I responded. 

"Whatever you want to say, pretty boy." He lifted his hand from the bar and pulled a strand of hair away from my face.

I looked up from his gaze, where we were both focused on him precisely tucking the thread back. "What in the Hell are you doing?" 

"Relax, I'm fixing your hair," he stated as if it were self-evident. 

My gaze proceeded from his eyes to his lips, passing over all of his facial features. Maybe it was the alcohol, or the cherry hue of his lips, or his curiosity about how they tasted. Whatever impelled me to do it, I impulsively leaned in and kissed him.

What do you guys think of the new mystery man? 

and what's going to happen between him and Liam?

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