ch 3

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Liam Moonhovan

As I opened my eyes and stared at the white wall across me, I felt extra warmth on my back and a weight on the side of my body.  The only issue was that it finally hit me that my bedroom walls are grey, not white. The blanket pulled around my hips and an arm slid from my torso, I sat up fast, feeling a slight discomfort in my lower back.

I turned with trepidation to discover a man sleeping next to me. It was the guy from the bar. His long black hair was splayed out over the pillow as he slept blissfully. Was he spooning me? Suddenly, the memories began to stream in.

As we made out, he led me to the room.

Being tossed on the bed.

His hair falling over my face as he sat straddling my waist.

The moans, the pain...

The overwhelming pleasure.

I sighed as I ran my fingers through my unkempt blond hair. This was not happening. I slept with him and have no idea what his name is. It wasn't like it mattered because I'd never see him again. I need to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Fuck," I muttered as I scurried out of bed, snatching up my underwear and jeans and lamenting the small pain as I struggled to put them on. 

"Where are you going?" I turned to see him seated in the bed, staring at me as I hopped around trying to put on my pants. 

"I'm leaving," I muttered as I zipped them up and pressed the button. 

"What's the rush? Come down for breakfast "He asked, his head tilted. 

"I'm not sure whether it's common for you to invite strangers you've drunkenly slept with to breakfast, but I'll decline." I remarked, tossing his clothes aside and picking out my shirt. 

"Could I have your phone number or something?"

I halted buttoning my shirt to stare at him, as if he were insane. "No, we're never going to see one other again," I stated firmly. 

"What's the harm? I had a great time last night. And I could tell you did too"He flashed a smirk. I shuddered at the memory, or perhaps it was the fact that he wasn't wrong. 

"I was drunk; it was an accident."

"Hmm, you seemed very sure and sober-ish at the time I asked if you really wanted to do it," He said as I fixed my shirt and hair. 

"Good-bye," I murmured as I turned on my heels and strode out of the room, ignoring whatever he yelled behind me.

We weren't at the hotel, and I had no idea where I was. Choosing to go right, I ran down the corridor, mostly angry with myself for drinking one too many and allowing whatever happened to happen. Perhaps I should have drank more, so that I wouldn't remember every minor detail. Following a stair case down in the hopes that it would lead to the escape of his house or wherever this was.

When I got to the bottom, I realized I was back in the club; I guess it was one of those with rooms above it. I ignored the employees who had stopped cleaning to give me weird looks. I made my way quickly to the exit. I could see the hotel where I was meant to spend the night across the street.

Shit Zach.

I dashed across the deserted street, nodded to the staff out front, and followed the instructions to the breakfast hall. Zach was sat at a little table in the corner.  I approached him quietly, taking the seat across from him. When he looked up at me, he burst into a huge grin. 

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