Ch 14

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Liam Moonhovan.

"Ok well, have fun," I responded as I waved Alexis goodbye.

 I said my goodbyes to Will's mother, who, when she wasn't with the other mums, was a remarkably kind and respectable lady. 

When I returned home, I started thinking about how I might spend my day. Even though it was a Sunday and I wanted to unwind before returning to work the next day, I nevertheless took out my phone, hesitant to press the call button.

It was only then that I realized Enzo had always called me first out of all our daily calls during the previous months. 

Since I got up early, I'd generally be the first to text good morning and I'd begin some conversations, but it was all done by text. I've never called him, and now I understand why. 

I was so nervous to call him that the impulse to toss my phone away and hope he would call first came to mind, but I shook my head and decided it wasn't a big deal.

 After all, it's only Enzo.

"Ah Liam, are you all right?" Enzo asked frantically as he picked up the phone. 

"Why wouldn't I be?" With a laugh, I scoffed. 

"I'm not sure, I think you never call me first, so I just worried," he admitted, making me grimace slightly.

 "Hmm...," I paused, unsure whether I should just tell him why I called.

"Did you call me for no reason?" With a teasing tone, he questioned, imitating me.

 "Oh shut up. I was free so I wanted to see if you still wanna hang out but never mind" I said rolling my eyes even if he couldn't see me. 

"No no wait I was kidding" Enzo said frantically making me laugh.

 "I'm free for the next seven hours," I said, setting an alarm for 4:30 a.m. because I didn't need to pick up Alexis until at 5:30 a.m.

"Are you at home?"  He inquired. 

"Mhm I just got back" I answered mindlessly thank goodness he didn't ask from where.

 "All right, I'll be over in five," he responded, and we hung up. 

I just agreed despite the fact that I had other plans. I changed into a plain white shirt, tucked into somewhat baggy black slacks with a belt around my waist, collected my phone and wallet, and waited on the porch for Enzo. In less than ten minutes, the now-familiar black car pulled into the driveway, and as I stepped up to the passenger side, ignoring his confused look

 "We'll unlock it" I said pulling the handle. 

"Oh right" he snapped out of it and unlocked the car letting me in.

"What are you doing?" He asked looking at me. "Fastening on my seatbelt. I don't trust your driving" I joked even if I knew what he was referring to. 

"Yea I can see that. I mean don't you wanna hang out at your place?" He asked pointing to the house. 

I fished fasting my seatbelt and turned to him. "Yea, but we're going out today" I shrugged.

 "Why?" He asked curiously.

 "I just want to. Now stop asking questions" I said crossing my arms.

 I knew damn well that's not the reason.

I simply wanted to do it because I have to be good at everything I do, and if he insists on being friends, I'll be a damn good friend. When I realized I'd never called him before, I also realized we'd always done what I wanted, and while I like to say home, I know Enzo doesn't. So, for a change, we'd do something he enjoys today.

"All right, where do you want to go?" He asked backing out. 

"I'm not sure," I responded as I gazed out the window.

 "Are you fine with..." I sighed, interrupting him. "Don't bother asking me, just go wherever makes you happy." I paused at the realization of what I'd said. "I mean somewhere fun," I corrected, but he already had that knowing grin on his face

. "Are you doing this for me, Liam?" I inquired, leaning in close.

 "No, and keep your eyes on the road, moron," I said as I stared out the window, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"You don't have to" Enzo started. "Listen let's just go before I actually change my mind" I said glaring at him. He appeared to be on cloud nine. And it made me happy for some reason? It was similar to the sensation I got when I watched Alexis smile, yet it was different. "Where are we going?" I asked, attempting to decrease my heart rate by moving away from him and looing out the window. Though I could hear the pure enthusiasm in his voice as he answered me.

"Ice skating" 

I know this chapter is shorter than usual but I swear I'll deliver some fluff in the next one to make up for it.

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