Ch 33

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Enzo Toun

I'm not exaggerating when I say that the last month has been the best of my life. Despite the fact that I joined them for dinner most of the time and on weekends, Liam took me out on a date every week. Of course, Zach and Zaria were also present for dinner, but I enjoyed being a member of whatever group this is.

"Are you alright?" Liam inquired as he entered the living room. 

I smiled as I glanced up at him and nodded. "I'm on cloud nine right now."

Liam laughed softly and shook his head slightly. "Anyway, I know we're meant to go out today, but I'd rather just relax. I'm a little tired after going out so often "He stated as he sat next to me. 

"Of course," I smiled patting my lap "but can we cuddle?" I asked giving him a pleading look. Even though he rolled his eyes, he came over and sat down in my lap, gazing up at me.

As his eyes met mine, I felt my heart begin to flutter. I looked down at his lips, aching to press them against my own; we hadn't kissed yet, but I wasn't going to let history repeat itself.

"Papaaa," Alexis exclaimed, leaping onto Liam, who let out a small grunt and looked down at her. 

"Hey, love, have you finished cleaning your toys?" He asked, and she nodded while laying on him, her head resting on his chest. It made me happy to see the two of them together. 

 "Your smile is so wide it looks like it goes to the back of your head." Liam giggled and moved slightly as he looked up at me. 

I shrugged and said, "I'm just happy." It was an understatement to say I was elated, but how could I not be right now?

"Awww, what a sweet little family." I turned around to see Zaria standing there with her phone in her hand and Zach approaching from behind. I guess we kinda e did resemble a family. Liam was in my lap, and Alexis was on his chest.

"Hey guys," I said with a smile. They both waved at me, and Zach gave a small nod as he walked over.

"I thought we were supposed to be babysitting today?" Zach inquired, his eyebrows furrowed. 

"I changed my mind." Liam shrugged as Alexis sat up and smiled at them.

 "No point in leaving since we're already here." Zach murmured as he sat next to his sister on the couch.

Possibly an hour later. While Alexis was playing games on Liam's phone and Liam and Zach were discussing business, I was having a light discussion with Zaria, mostly sharing funny stories. It was a pleasant, calm environment in which I felt at peace. 

The sound of the doorbell ringing interrupted this, and Liam groaned as he stood up to answer it. "If you're all here, who could it be?" He murmured but we all stared at each other, puzzled.

 Alexis was trailing behind  him as he went to answer the door. "Oh mom dad what are you doing here?" Liam enquired. 

"Grandmama! Grandpa!"   Alexis squealed, adding to my confusion. 

"I thought his parents were in a care home because they couldn't get along?" I asked Zaria as we got up.

"They are," . Zach said as he walked alongside me. "Meet our parents," He said rolling his eyes at the old woman who was hugging Liam and Alexis was excitedly talking to the man I assumed was her husband. 

"They love him like a son. More than they love us." Zaria sighed in a lighthearted tone. 

"That's not true princess," her father chuckled as he hugged her on the side, Alexis in his other arm. 

"You'll always be our babies, too," The lady said letting go of Liam.

"Oh who is this?" She inquired, her gaze falling on me. I bit my tongue and looked at Liam, who had a panicked expression on his face. 

"My name is Enzo Toun." I smiled and extended my hand to her. 

"She doesn't do handshakes," Zach said softly, prompting me to withdraw my hand, but I was enveloped in a hug by the woman before it could reach my side again. 

"She does bear hugs," He said, laughing along with the others at my startled expression from being caught off guard.

"I'm Elizabeth," the lady stated, smiling as she moved away from me. 

Her husband extend his arm. "It's a pleasure to meet you, son. we're the twins parents. Call me Isacc" he said shaking my hand. 

Elizabeth finally got a good look at Alexis in her husband's arm and exclaimed, "Oh Alexis, what happened to your hair sweetie?" 

"Papa let me cut it. Do you like it?" She asked, her hopeful gaze falling on the elder lady.

"I adore it, my dear. It looks absolutely amazing on you. Don't you think, honey?" Her husband nodded in agreement as she beamed. Alexis had a big smile on her face, and I noticed Liam let out a breath he had been holding in. We all entered the living room and sat on the couches.

I sat beside Liam on the side couches across Zaira and Zach on the other and Elizabeth and Isacc on the other with Alexis between them. "I wanna show you a toy I got for my birthday" Alexis announced sliding down from the couch. They nodded and she took off up the stairs to her room.

"So have any of you boys got yourself a nice girl?" Isacc asked, and I felt Liam stiffen besides me as Zach cleared his throat. 

"No I haven't" he said looking at his dad. 

"Uh, I'm not shocked," Isacc said as he turned to face us. "How about you, Liam?"

"Actually, hmm..." he said as he looked at Zach and Zaria, who were both staring at him with the same expression as me, waiting for his response. He muttered low enough for everyone to hear, "I'm actually...uh...I'm gay."

 "Oh." Elizabeth raised her eyes to him, her fingers on her lips as she stared at her husband before returning her gaze to Liam, who seemed to be dying in the silence. "Ohhhh," she began again, her eyes darting between us, and I felt my cheeks flush as they linked the dots.

"Sorry me for assuming, but are you two..." Issac asked clearing his throat. 

"No...Well not officially" Liam murmured. 

"We're happy for you, finding yourself and allowing Alexis to do so as well. We're just taken aback by  it, that all " Elizabeth assured looking back at her husband who nodded assertively. 

"Thank you," Liam answered with a sincere smile on his face. Alexis sauntering down the stairs with her toy shifting the conversation and relieving the tension that she was oblivious of.

We spent the evening mostly talking and catching up everyone filling the two in on their lives especially Alexis. Soon it got dark and they insisted they had to leave. We stood at the door saying goodbye when Elizabeth pulled me in for another hug before going on to hug her kids.

Issac approached me and shook my hand before hugging me. As he moved back, he patted my back and murmured, "Take good care of our boy." 

"I intend to, sir," I said with a smile, and he nodded before going on to Zach.

"And you. Think about settling down one day. Life isn't all cars and parties." As Zach scowled at him, he chuckled, ruffling his son's hair, yet I could tell they had a wonderful relationship.

 He kissed Zaira on the head and said goodbye to her, exchanging a few words with a chuckle before doing the same thing to Liam as he did to me, saying something I couldn't hear, but Liam smiled, glanced at me, and nodded.

"Alright, goodbye, we love you all," Elizabeth exclaimed as she turned to open the door, and Isacc waved goodbye behind them. As the left Elizabeth turned to me with a smile.

"Welcome to the family, Enzo,"

I smiled, feeling my heart warm up. Family

Sorry for not posting. Exams were so overwhelming I was burnt out and had the worst writers block. But....

I'M BACK AND FEELING BETTER, so expect more of my favourite family

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