ch 19

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Liam Moonhovan

"Liammmmm," Zach exclaimed as he rushed into my office, dropping his suit jacket on the corner couch. I looked up from my desk, free of all the papers, to see him for the first time. 

It had been a particularly stressful week. The company was expanding quickly, which was excellent, but it also meant more work, which was becoming overwhelming. 

I had so little time for anything that Alexis reprimanded me for working so much, and getting scolded by a six-year-old isn't exactly as enjoyable as it is adorable.

I had to prolong my working hours past 2 p.m. due to all of this work. I'd also been late picking Alexis up many times this week, forcing me to leave her off at Zaria's before returning to work until 5 p.m.

 Zach and Zaria persuaded me to do it, and I began looking for a driver to pick her up and a babysitter to watch her. But I  just couldn't handle the notion of trusting anybody with my kid, even though they all seemed like good people.

"What is it?" I asked as I closed the yellow paper file. It was a Friday, so we'd normally leave work sooner, or at least earlier than usual. 

"BCD called and said they'd like to sign the contract here at 2 p.m. next Wednesday," Zach exclaimed, making me smile. It was a fantastic opportunity and a significant step forward for us. "Do you know what that means?" He asked leaning over my desk. 

"That we can finally launch the project?" I inquired, my brow furrowed. 

"No it means, we're going out tonight! and don't say no because we spent the last month in meetings every weekend for this!"

I was going to raise my voice in protest. But what the heck? I might as well go. "Sure, let's leave," I answered as I stood up and gathered my belongings. I took a look at the piles of papers on my desk.

 It can wait until , Monday.

 I pondered following the ecstatic brunette. We said our goodbyes to the few remaining staff and climbed into the car. Zach informed Zaria, and she offered to pick Alexis up from school. I owed her a huge debt for all the support she's given me, all because I'm too nervous to find someone to babysit her. But to be fair I stayed up binge watching "Nannies from hell" on TLC which definitely didn't help.

When we arrived to Zach's place, he insisted that I borrow some of his clothing, which I did and threw on before entering his car. "Which club are we going to?" I asked as I adjusted my wristwatch. 

"The same one as before. You seemed to strike it rich there "Zach grinned.

 "Really?" I questioned, glaring at him, the picture of Enzo from the night we met still fresh in my memory despite the fact that it had been more than three months. 

"I'm just kidding," Zach shrugged. "It's gotten quite popular, plus it's just a amazing spot." He said starting the car. "Also, Madi will be there," he continued, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"Which one is she again?" I asked mostly in a teasing way. Zach gave me a sidelong glare. 

"She was sitting with us last time. blond hair, red dress" He said making me recall the girl seated on his lap. 

"So, are you finally going to settle down with one girl?" I asked.

 He groaned, "You know I don't do love or relationships." I shrugged and decided to drop the topic before it got to a more sensitive point.

We parked into the parking area of the club and observed the queue outside. "Are we really going to stand behind that?" I enquired as I pointed to the line. 

"Obviously not. Your bestie is always ready for anything. I was able to get us added to the private list "Zach stated getting out of the car. 

"How did you pull that off?" I asked as  we proceeded up the line to the bouncer, ignoring the stares. Before letting us in, he raised an eyebrow until Zach told him our names and he checked his clipboard "No seriously, how?" I asked as we entered the pretty much full club.

"Madi's bestfriend apparently owns the place, so she had access to it. I also asked her to thank him for paying our bill the last time we were here." the brunette said as she led me through the swarm of drunk, dancing people.  

I glanced at the bar recalling the last time I was sat there.  We ended up to a booth that looked identical to the one we were at the previous time. There was the girl, whom I thought to be Madi, and another woman who was drinking. 

I sat across from Zach, who instantly wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her shoulder. I cringed at the sight and averted my gaze, only to make eye contact with the other girl, who gave me an expectant expression.

"I'm gonna go get a cocktail from the bar" I announced making Zach look at me and questioningly. 

"A virgin cocktail of course" I clarified aware I was automatically the designated driver.

 "A virgin cocktail, you're so dull," he muttered, and I simply shrugged as I walked away, as Madi observed. 

"He's not a big fan of people, is he?" She asked Zach. I simply kept walking till I returned to the crowded dancefloor.

"I know you've been very busy recently, but call me whenever you have time......I miss hanging out with you." The words Enzo said to me, the last time we spoke rang in my ears. 

As  I continued on to the bar and sat in one of the stools to the side  with the fewest customers. "I'll have one virgin Mojito" I said gazing at the bartender who only nodded. I took out my phone and scrolled through the contacts until my finger lingered on the call button next to Enzo's. I heisted before quickly closing the phone app and shaking my head.

I'll just send him a text. That's better. I considered typing and then erasing everything a few times before finally giving up and sending it along with a few clarifications just in case.


I'm at the club where we met.

If you want to come.

Of course, you don't have to.

It's not like I care or want you to either.

I'm just letting you know.

I groaned and flopped over, my palm pressing over my eyes. Now I see why Zach handles all the interactions with other humans, I suck ass at it. I'm not sure why I'm suddenly more worried, and it's all because of Enzo. I mean, we've hung together a lot before, so why was I so nervous?

My phone buzzed, and I fumbled to answer it, my heart beating faster than I'd care to admit.

Enzo: I'll be there soon :)

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