62. Marriage Problems

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Seventy two thunderbolts struck down in repetitive succession. Destroying the Podium and it's surroundings.

It's like watching a natural disaster movie. People are running for their life.

Xin is the only one stays next to Gu Xian. To protect his Master from ambush.

This is an important moment. Too many cultivators died at this stage.

Finally the heavenly tribulations ended. The dark clouds have dispersed. The sun is shining again. Illuminating the world below with it's grace.

The sunlight falls on Gu Xian. His body is shining like a deity. His clothes have been destroyed due the fierce thunderbolts.

The women blush when they see him. A handsome man in his mid thirties. Masculine body. A powerful and rich Patriarch.

Yin Mo walks and draps a mantle over his husband. He glares at the drooling women.

Gu Xian rubs his face to clear his mind. Energy is swirling within his Dantian sea.

Nihility or Half Immortal stage. Can't believe I reached it so easily.

If others knew what crossed his mind, they would yell at him. Seventy two thunderbolts aren't easy feat. Too many cultivators got charred to ashes.

Cultivator in Nihility stage could live around 10,000 years. That's why it's called half immortal.

The next stage is immortality. Almost no one has reached that far yet. At least not in the last 6,000 years.

Gu Xian wraps the mantle around his lower body to cover his below waist area. It's kinda breezy without any underwear. Guess he needs to craft clothes from stronger materials.

Yin Mo hugs him. The chick is on his head. Making the hair as his nest as usual.

He calls, "Gege, Baozi just spouts fire. Do you think something is wrong with him?"

"Hmm... Isn't he a chicken?"


Gu Bao protests loudly. He is definitely not a Chicken (Chikuwa Beast). Not born to be someone's mount.

Ling Xiao walks toward them.

He calls, "Feng Yi. Do you remember me? We used to have duels every month... "

"Chirp! Bad Uncle! Stay away!"

Yin Mo holds his chick with both hands. Protecting him from Ling Xiao.

The Kylin beast smiles weakly. It seems Feng Yi has lost his memories. They are around the same age. He would never call him an Uncle.

Patriarch Lin comes forward. He congrats Gu Xian for his ascension. This old man used to be the strongest among the lower rank families.

Now he has to bow his head down to someone half his age.

Gu Xian smiles and nods his head.

He says, "Thank you for your accommodation, Patriarch Lin. I think it's time to go home. I still need to manage my family matters."

"Yes, of course..."

The Patriarch looks doubtful. He doesn't understand why his daughter likes this man. Now he knows why.

Who doesn't want a handsome and powerful husband like him?

Gu Xian used to be a straight guy. He might get charmed by those shameless women.

Yin Mo grits his teeth and holds his hubby's arm. He needs to take him home before more shameless women appear to flirt him.

Maybe Gu Xian understands his wifey's mind. He holds his hand and joins their ten fingers together.

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