29. Inheriting Secret Realm

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Duan Lang wipes his sweaty forehead. He has been scouting the areas with Gu Xian for few days. Unable to find a way out of secret realm.

The Gu siblings have found a cave as a temporary settlement.

Duan Lang squats and complaints, "No way out. We are doomed in here. At least there is water and foods. The Qi is thicker than real world. Good for our cultivation. Bla... Bla... Bla..."

Gu Xian covers his ears with his hands.

That's it! I'm going to forge ear plugs. No, better make a mouth gag for him. Can't stand all his endless yappings.

Gu Xian is tempted to knock out Duan Lang. Just to get few minutes of silent moments.

Gu Wang has arrived.

Gu Xian is relieved for his arrival. He couldn't understand how his cousin is able to stand his endless chatters.

He asks, "How could you end up with him?"

"He's too pitiful. Someone has to look after him," replies Gu Wang as a joke.

He looks cheerful after leaving Gu family behind. Not the cold villain type anymore.

Gu Xian teases, "You are sure an angel."

Duan Lang hugs his lover.

He praises, "My boyfriend is the best."

Gu Wang suggests, "Just pretend his babblings as a parrot's talk. You'll get used to him."

Duan Lang looks down hearted. If he's a puppy, his ears would be dropping down right now.

Gu Wang gives him a peck kiss. Duan Lang instantly looks better.

Gu Xian asks, "You have any idea outta here? We can't find any exit... "

"I think we have to defeat the owner of this realm. It's the only way we could leave."

Duan Lang whistles.

He mocks, "It won't be easy. Anyone who could create a realm must be half God."

Gu Xian suggests, "Let's make it our last option. We could still figure out another way."

Duan Lang protests, "I'm super hungry. When you are going to cook?"

Both Gu Wang and Duan Lang are staring him with eagerness in their eyes. Meal times become exciting when Gu Xian is the cook.

Gu Xian sighs. Everyone has made him the Chef by default. No one else could cook beside him.

Maybe he should make glue to shove into Duan Lang's mouth. Inner peace and quiet moments.

Gu Xian shakes his head. His wifey would be angry if he harmed his bestie. Poor Yin Mo must be super tortured in the four years journey spent with Duan Lang.

Yin Mo looks upset when they have arrived. Gu Xian smiles and caresses his head. His wifey is still angry for being left behind.

Gu Xian rubs his nose. He will cook his favorite foods to cheer him up.


Gu Xian is meditating up on a hill. Qi swirls and gathers around him.

Breath in.

Breath out.

He needs to refill his Dantian Sea with Qi. It's the only way to improve his cultivation.

His wifey is this world protagonist. The Creator will make him suffer just to improve the storyline.

I have to be strong enough to protect him.

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