38. Helping People

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A paper crane flies toward him. Gu Xian accepts it. It has information about materials needed to repair the Thunder Saber.

He keeps the letter in his storage ring. Hia wifey has been abducted again.

The last time he ascended, Master kidnapped Yin Mo. Now it's the flower thief.

I should have kept him safe in secret realm. No, it's too dangerous. If something happened to me...

Gu Xian has feared he would die during heavenly tribulation. Without him, Yin Mo might be trapped in secret realm forever.

The heart rending bell has been activated. The light points East. It means Yin Mo is still alive and well. The bell won't work for a dead man.

Gu Xian buys food supplies and medicines before leaving town. He has to find Yin Mo a.s.a.p.

He has bought a demon beast as a horse. It looks like an overgrown yellow chicken.

Reminded me of Chocobo from Final Fantasy series. Look at me, Jack! I'm Cloud Strife!

He chuckles. He wipes his teary eyes. He misses home. He misses his brother and parents. He misses his best friend.

He misses his wifey.

The demon beast gallops away. It feels like riding an ostrich. It's quite a bumpy ride.

Gu Xian has kept his spirit beasts in his pockets. His demon beast gallops to the East.

They have to rest in a small town when it's getting dark.

Gu Xian meditates and gathers up Qi from surrounding areas. He is shocked to feel the abundant Qi.

There must be a strong Qi gathering array within this Inn.

Strange. The building looks old and decayed.

He calls, "Wang Su."

The hamster leaps out of his pocket. He is still gnawing melon seeds. Master and servant got the same favorite snack.

Gu Xian orders, "Check this Inn and it's owner."

"Yes, Master."

The hamster jumps to the floor and transforms into a hideous looking beast rat. He leaves through an open window.

Xin, the fake turtle is lying on a table.

He comments, "His true form is much cuter."

Gu Xian warns, "Don't force him to do anything he doesn't want. Forcing melon to ripened won't be sweet."

"I know, Master. No worries."

Gu Xian meditates again. He hopes to find Yin Mo soon.

It's almost middle of the night when someone is yelling outside.

"Fire! Fire! Leave your rooms!"

Gu Xian jumps out from the window in second floor out of instincts. He is a Nascent soul cultivator. Ordinary fire won't kill him that easily.

It's just instincts from his modern world to avoid trapped in a burning building.

Few ordinary commoners have gathered outside the burning Inn. They are guests of the Inn. They look helpless, after leaving their belongings behind in the chaotic situation.

An old man and his granddaughter are hugging each others. Weeping silently after seeing their home is burning.

Gu Xian orders, "Xin, get rid the fire."

The Thunder Rhino is in his human form when he leaps back into the burning building.

Few minutes later, the fire has been terminated. The guests rush in and take their items out.

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