7. Aiming To Be Rich

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Warning: slight NSFW

A breeze carries a special scent toward them. Gu Xian sniffs the air and leads the way. They aren't going too deep into the woods.

He squats down and picks some leaves. He munches them like a goat.

"Senior brother?" calls Yin Mo.

Gu Xian rubs a leaf on his shirt to clean the dust. He offers it to the boy. Yin Mo munches it. He spits it out almost immediately.

Unique fragrant, bitter and spicy. It's awful.

Gu Xian smirks. He never thinks he could find mint leaves in the woods.

He asks, "Could you uproot a plant? I want to replant it in a pot."

Yin Mo complaints, "Seriously? It's awful."

Gu Xian smiles. There is no toothpaste in this world. He kept fearing for bad breath. He has to brush teeth using leaves.

"It's adult taste. Kid like you won't understand it."

"Humph! I won't help you!"

"Oh, come on. Yin Mo is the smartest and cutest boy in our Sect."

Yin Mo asks, "You think so?"

"Yes. The brightest one."

"Am I special in your heart?"

"Of course!"

The boy smiles widely. He squats down and uproots the small bush without breaking any root.

Gu Xian smirks. It's very easy to coax him. He looks around. There is always danger in the woods. Too many spirit beast.

His eyes notices something special on a certain tree. He jumps up and picks it. He sniffs it.

Coffee beans!

Gu Xian feels he has found a treasure. He jumps up again and picks more beans.

Yin Mo wraps the bush carefully so the roots won't get dry up. He couldn't understand why Gu Xian gathers up many weird beans.

He asks, "Is it edible?"

"Nope. It's for making special drink."

Coffee lover like Gu Xian is thrilled to think he could drink coffee soon.

There is no Starbuck stands in this era. Making home made coffee is the only way to satisfy his thirst.

They go home soon afterwards.

Gu Xian has made a carrier and drags the leftovers boar home.

They meet five outer disciples on the way home. Those poor folks are drooling after seeing the huge boar. Gu Xian chuckles and cuts off the pig head for them.

Yin Mo is pouting. His senior brother is a nice guy. He always gives items to others without asking payment.

Gu Xian says, "We still have a lot of meat. No worries."

He barely finishes saying when an Elder shows up. His eyes dart to the dead boar.

Gu Xian knows this Elder is a close friend to his Master. He cuts off a large piece of meat for him. He also cuts a large portion for his Master. The Elder smiles and leaves afterwards.

Yin Mo complaints,"We won't have anything left if this continues..."

Gu Xian scratches his head. He finally chooses a roundabout way home. They arrive home with half of the boar.

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