13. Goodbye

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Half and two years have passed.

Yin Mo has finally reached Qi refining mid stage. Thanks to numerous pills from his Master. He feels he is like a walking vault for pills.

Master just kept feeding him precious pills. Worth hundred thousands of mid grade spirit stones.

Ren Yang asks, "You are sure a talented one. What's your secret?"

"Just some pointers from Master and senior brother."

Master said not to tell others about the pills. Yin Mo isn't stupid. He doesn't want other disciples to be jealous at him.

"Why I never see Gu Xian with you again? Did you two quarrel?" asks Ren Yang.

Yin Mo looks sad but he doesn't reply him. It's like rubbing salt to his heart wound.

Ren Yang smirks. He never likes Gu Xian. He is like thorn in his eyes.

Yin Mo is loveable teen boy. He looks pure and innocent one. He is also a diligent pupil in alchemist. Ren Yang wants him as an assistant.

Gu Xian stares them from far. Yin Mo has grown up again. He feels like a proud farmer for raising a good cabbage.

He squints his eyes. Hating Ren Yang for getting too close at Yin Mo.

Yin Mo would be popular in modern world. Pale smooth jade skin. Red lips. Big and bright eyes. Like a famous Kpop Idol.

Gu Xian sighs. His points have reached three millions. The system is strangely quiet nowadays. It won't tell him about the plot anymore.

His right eye kept twitching. Feeling like a bad omen. Something big might happen soon.

Seventeen years old Yin Mo is very eye catching. Many male disciples have begun to pursuit him.

Ren Yang fends off most of them. Almost everyone in the Sect is afraid of this bossy senior brother. He won't let anyone snatch his assistant away.

He orders, "Help me to prepare pills for bone fractures."

"Yes, senior brother."

Yin Mo pulls them out from the herb garden without ruining their roots.

Ren Yang nods his head. This boy is a quick learner. It's good to have him by his side.

Gu Xian asks the system, "Tell me the best gong for him. What's his name? He couldn't be Ren Yang, right?"

"Host, you have no right to interfere the plot."

"I just wanna leave with ease. Will he treat Yin Mo well?"

"The gong is okay. He comes from a powerful family. He has strong cultivation. One of a thousands."

"You still didn't answer me. Will he treat Yin Mo well."

"Yin Mo will be...one of his...male Concubines."

Gu Xian almost explodes outta rage.

Xue Ying is nice to Yin Mo although the guy is unreliable and a super glutton type.

Ren Yang is a hypocrite bastard who cares too much of his face (honor). At least he isn't playboy type. He could teach Yin Mo about alchemist.

To think Yin Mo would end up with a playboy with many wives.

Gu Xian complaints, "I protest! Find another man for him."

"Host, the creator..."

"Screw him!"

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