24. Spirit Beast

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Gu Xian is pouting. He doesn't like this Duan Lang guy. He chats too friendly with his wifey. They could speak happily for hours.

He puts down the meals on the table. He loves cooking for his wifey.

Why I have to cook for him too?

Duan Lang smirks when the husband is staring dagger to him. He is treating him as a love rival.

"Four years. That's how long Yin Mo and I travelled in the Forbidden area together. We were peas in the same pod."

"Big brother Duan Lang is my savior. He protected me from the beasts and traps. I wouldn't be here if he hadn't saved me."

They are smiling when staring each others.

Gu Xian grips the empty dirty bowl too hard. It shattered under his hand pressure.

"Big brother! Why are you so clumsy?" scolds Yin Mo while treating his wounded hands.

Duan Lang shakes his head. He had enough shares of dog foods.

He says, "Let's go practice after meal."

Gu Xian follows him to the woods.

Duan Lang asks casually, "How did you built your core at your age? What's the secret?"

Gu Xian chuckles. Not responding to him. No sane cultivator would share his secret to others.

Many disciples have asked him in the past. He fooled them by replying perseverance.

The Creator sent thunderbolts to punish him.

Gu Xian absorbed the energy into his dantian. Refining slowly to his meridians.

His dual roots are fire-thunder type. His cultivation soars thanks to the absorbed electricity.

In short, he is a walking battery. Needed thunderbolts to recharge.

Duan Lang and Gu Xian venture deeper into the woods. Killing any beast foolish enough to attack them.

Gu Xian kept some of them. He is going to cook the meats later. Eating them will improve Yin Mo's cultivation. The leftovers materials might be handy for refining tools.

Duan Lang asks, "Are you a craftsman? Could you refine a steel fan for me?"

"It will cost you double."

"You hate me that much? I'm your wifey's friend."


Duan Lang stops talking. He needs to reduce his hostility. As a devil cultivator, it's hard for him to replace his equipments.

Most craftsmen won't do business with him. Usually Duan Lang robbed from other cultivators. Only his weapon, a fan is irreplaceable.

Hard to find a craftsman who capable to forge it.

A spirit beast stands alone in an opening in the woods. It seems this beast rat is the local ruler here.

"You murdered my people."

Gu Xian raises his eyebrows.

A talking rat. His level is a lot higher than the forest dwellers. Only a beast who gains spirituality could speak in human language.

Gu Xian rises his spirit sword. It looks rusty and very old. It seems it would break upon contact anytime.

The ferocious looking rat laughs heartily. It seems he has overestimated these humans. Just a bunch of poor adventures.

He leaps and attacks them with it's brandished claws.

Duan Lang steps back and let Gu Xian handles the beast. His fan is breaking. He needs to refrain from fighting too much.

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