60. Fight

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The sky is clear. Sun is shining brightly in the mid morning. Many people have gathered at the Town Square.

A large podium has been installed in the middle of the Square.

A large banner declares the annual family contest.

Gu Xian looks around.

If this is modern world, this big event shall be broadcasted alive in TV.

Lin, Bai, Gao and Gu families. They have united their front to go against Ye family.

As usual, Ye's lapdog (Rong family) will join the contest.

Lin brothers look at each others. They look upset. Nothing they could do. They have to obey their father's order.

Their father is afraid of them getting hurt. That's why their turns are arranged first.

The Lin Brothers fought against few goons from Ye family and won easily. The first two rounds belong to their united faction.

Bai family comes up next. The two beautiful sisters are standing next to the Arena.

Audience begins to whisper. This annual contest is about fighting between young generations.

Why Bai family is sending beautiful women instead of men?

Bai Mei Hua ascends to the Arena. She whips and a deep mark is left on the hard stone floor.

She asks, "Who's my opponent? Don't look down on me. I'm a thorny rose."

A bulky figure from Ye family steps on the podium. He grins widely.

He taunts, "If you lost, you shall warm my bed, pretty lady."

Ye Qing frowns. These Ladies are pretty enough to fill his Harem. If his goon dared to touch her, say goodbye to his dick. He glances at Yin Mo. That's his real target.

520 said Yin Mo is his destined mate. Gu Xian stole him away from him.

Ye Qing clenches his fists. He will get those ladies sooner or later. Yin Mo shall be his first target. He can't escape for the third time.

The bulky man charges first. He tries to capture Bai Mei Hua in first strike. She takes few steps back and whips him few times.

She mocks, "Dog should be obidient!"

He got whipped few times and strangely lost all his strength.

All of her attacks have hit his acupuncture points, sealing up his Qi.

Bai Lian Hua smiles. They are chosen to participate not because they are pretty. They are the strongest ones among Bai family younger generations.

Bai sisters conquer their foes easily.

The score is 4:0 for now.

Yin Mo is making notes in his mind. He needs to study acupuncture points. Sealing Qi is equal in winning a fight.

Ye Qing grits his teeth. He needs better subordinates.

Rong Jing chuckles. This year has many strong contestants. This shall be fun. Life would be boring without any challenge.

He steps on the podium. He raises his eyebrows and smiles widely. His fiancee is standing at the other end. She's the first representative from Gao family.

Gao Mian demands, "If I won, cancel the engagement."

"Sure. If I won, we get married, okay?"

Gao Mian grits her teeth. No one ever said he's a tough guy. Everyone only gossips about this playboy's latest conquest.

Ye Qing and Rong Jing. Two slag men.

"Deal," replies her.

She strikes first. Her sword is a rapier, more suitable for thrusting, not slashing. Her attack style reminded Gu Xian of fencing.

"Honey, leave all the thrusting to your hubby. Aren't you tired yet?" teases her fiancee.

"You dead meat!"

She attacks more swiftly after the taunt.

Rong Jing smirks. Found her weakness. He kicks and sweeps her feet off the ground. He embraces her when she lost her footing.

He caught her off guard. His head got lowered.

Gao Mian is too shocked to react. The playboy kissed her lips. Right in front of all these audiences.

A hard slap landed on his cheek.

The referee announces Rong Jing as the winner.

Gao Mian leaps down from the podium. She looks very angry, nearly berserk. If this is a cartoon, fumes would be coming out of her ears.

Gao Feng walks to the Arena at the same time with Liong Ye.

The dragon raises his eyebrows. Something is clearly different about him.

Gao Feng looks calmer and more mature.

Liong Ye chuckles. Maybe losing his virginity made him grew up.

Gao Feng stares at Liong Ye with a complicated looks.

He asks, "Would you withdraw? Don't want to hurt you."

"You are the one who would lost, mad dog chan."

Gao Feng draws his blade.

Liong Ye prepares his fighting stance. He has been charmed. Can't help it. His foe looks so handsome. A mature man.

Gao Feng attacks like windgale. Swift and deadly.

Gu Xian nods his head. His self proclaimed rival is getting stronger again. Gao Feng is worthy to be his rival.

Yin Mo is pouting when Gege is staring Gao Feng with awe. That's his secret lover in yellow books. He grabs his hubby's neck, forcing him to look at him.

"Don't look at him. Look at me."

"Hmm? Why?"

A kiss startled Gu Xian.

Yin Mo says sourly, "You are my husband. Not him."

Gu Xian chuckles. He hugs his wifey. His little vinegar jar. He glances at the fight again.

Liong Ye is shocked when he has to defend many times. Gao Feng has improved too much.

He failed to block the latest attack. So he just closes his eyes. Ready to embrace death.

Gao Feng withdraws his blade when it nearly strikes Liong Ye's neck.

The dragon opens his eyes and slashes him. Gao Feng got injured and takes few steps back.

The referee announces Liong Ye as the winner.

Gao Mian looks worried when she approaches her cousin. She offers a bottle of pills for him.

Gao Feng drinks two pills to stop the bleeding. His body got injured. His heart felt more pain.

Liong Ye has stabbed him like they are completely strangers. Not people who had shared a bed before.

An Elder from Lin family mocks, "Gao family. Are you trying to make us lost this contest? You shouldn't join us if you're on their side."

Gao Mian glares at him. Gao Feng looks indifference. He only stares at Liong Ye. The dragon doesn't even look at him. Like two strangers.

Ye Qing taps on his shoulder.

He praises Liong Ye, "Good job, my slave."

Liong Ye grits his teeth. His eyes dart to a pearl earring on Ye Qing's right ear.

His dragon pearl. The only reason he's trapped in this slavery.

He hates Ye Qing. He wants to shred him to pieces. Toss his broken body to hungry wolves.


All are just pipe dreams. He can't do anything when Ye Qing still holds his dragon pearl.

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The score 4:2

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