59. Evil Uncle

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Gu Xian tilts his head.

Xin approaches him and whispers, "Master, we are being followed."

He whispers back, "I know."

The guy is wearing a veiled hat. They can't see his face. He was one of the passengers from their ship. He disembarked at the same port. It seemed he had been following them.

Gu Xian whispers, "Keep the kids safe.
Tell Wang Su and the cubs not to let their guard down."

"Yes, Master."

Gu Xian will guard Madame as usual. He won't left his wifey's safety to someone else.

The guy kept following him. Gu Xian slows down his pace until he's the last one in the line. He blocks the guy's path.

Gu Xian asks, "Why are you following us?"

"We are going to the same direction. That's all."

Gu Xian draws his swords and attacks first. His foe defends using his blade. They fight for three rounds before Gu Xian's sword slashes through the veiled hat.

He stops attacking. It's someone he knows.

Gu Xian asks, "It's you. Why you didn't say anything?"

"You know me?"

"Aren't you Gu Ming's friend?"


He is Ling Xiao, the Kylin beast.

Gu Xian cupped his hands and apologizes, "Sorry for your hat. I'll buy you a new one."

"No need. It didn't cost much."

"Please join us. Let me treat you a meal."

Ling Xiao chuckles. He got tired eating beef jerkies. Eating Gu Xian's heavenly meals are way better.

He comments, "I won't be polite."

Ling Xiao joins their group.

Gu Bao yells the minute he sees him, "Why is he here? Leave!"

"Brat. Dad invited him to join us. Be polite to uncle," scolds Gu Xian.

Gu Bao rarely dislikes people like this. He often acts too friendly with strangers.

Yin Mo always feared the little foodie would be abducted if the kidnapper offers tasty foods.

"Dad, I hate him!"

Gu Bao glares at Ling Xiao. Yin Mo rubs his head. His son only met this guy once in the past. He never has any other encounter anymore.

Daddy asks, "Why do you hate him?"

"Dunno. Just hate."

Gu Xian warns, "Be polite. He is our guest."

"Mommy, I hate him!"

The boy is crying in his Daddy's arms. Yin Mo looks doubtful. He glances at Ling Xiao. He better keeps this guy away from his son.

Ling Xiao likes children. He tries to chat with them during journey.

Gu Rong only nods her head and keeps her distance when Ling Xiao tries to chat. She has bad experiences with villagers before. That's why she always keep her guard up against strangers.

Gu Bao is still glaring at Ling Xiao. The latter chuckles and pokes his chubby cheek. The little boy is pouting in his Daddy's arm. He is seeking protection from him. He doesn't know why he hates this guy.

Ling Xiao asks, "What did you eat? Too much Baozi, right? Soft and round like bun."

Yin Mo hits his hand away. He doesn't like strangers touching his kids. He almost got raped in childhood. Adults could act friendly while hiding evil motives in mind.

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