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Kenn Turner opened the creaky wooden door to Cabin 7, and walked in with a smile painted onto her face.

She looked around the room. No one seemed to be there. The girl set down her duffel bag onto the floor.  Looking around, she noticed the different bunk beds. There were only 3 that had bedding on them.

"One of these has to be a counselors's...please be Hope's, please be Hope's." She murmured to herself. The blonde picked up her bag and set it onto an empty bed. As she unpacked her stuff, a girl walked into the wooden room.

She was beautiful. She had long brown hair, pulled back with hair-pins. Her big blue eyes fluffed up with mascara. She had bootcut jeans that barley went down past her black converse shoes. Her shirt was navy blue, and had the camp logo onto it, with big words that read "CAMP MIDNIGHT! COUNSELOR!"

It was Hope.

The girl turned towards Kenn and yelped. "Kenn!! It's been so long! I'm so happy to see you!"

Her face immediately turned a bright shade of red.

"Hope! I'm glad to see you too!" Kenn said, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

Hope looked around.

"Did you just get here? Have you met Rem?"

Kenn looked at the girl with a confused face.

"Rem? Who's Rem?"

Hope smiled playfully and grabbed Kenn's hand. " She's the other counselor in here, duh!" 

Kenn stopped.

"Where are all the campers then?"

The girl let go of Kenn's hand.

"There weren't enough campers this year, so instead of having all cabins filled with campers, only 1-5 has them. Every other is just for extra volunteers and counselors"

Kenn looked down.

"Oh. That's weird-"

The girl quickly grabbed the blondes hand again, and looked her in the eyes.

"Who cares! Come on, you have to meet Rem!"

And together, the two girls ran off.


Sam and Aven walked out of cabin 5 together. The other two girls had gone to get something to eat, so it was just them.

Aven looked over at the brunette. It was obvious that she was a very shy girl. Barley talking, and just doing whatever her friends told her too.

Aven decided to speak the first words.

"So, how is it here? Anything I should know about?"

Sam shook her head.

"It's pretty fun I guess... I hang out with Avery and Kate a lot."

Aven was happy to have gotten a response from her.

"Cool!" She needed to think of more subjects, fast. "Anyone else that you hang out with?"

The girl nodded, and pointed to a group of boys playing in the grass.
"That's Drew Fraser. My..boyfriend."

The blonde was shocked that Sam had opened up to her so fast. It made her happy.

"Really? That's super awesome!"

Sam smiled and continued walking. Aven followed behind, but stayed focused on the group of boys. There were about 3 kids and 2 counselors.

Eventually, the tall brunette caught her eye. He was wearing washed out jeans and a baseball tee-shirt. And now, he was coming they're way. Sam chuckled as Aven fixed her hair.

When the boy reached them, she couldn't help but blush.

"Hey." He spoke in a calm voice. "I'm Flynn."
He smiled.

"Aven! Nice to meet you" The girl put out her hand and the boy shook it.

"Did you just get here? I haven't seen you before."

"Oh, yeah. I'm counseling Cabin 5"

"Nice, I'm Cabin 6, glad to know we're neighbors"

She smiled widely, completely sure that her face looked like a day on the beach with no SPF.

"Well, better get back to tag. See you around?"

Sam nudged Aven, simply smiling.

"Oh yeah, see you around"


sooooo I added another character againnnnn. I REALLY UNDERESTIMATED HOW MANY PEOPLE I WOULD NEED IM SORRY.

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