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Aven Turner was sitting in the front of her Dad's car, looking out the window, with a duffel bag in her lap.

"Hey Kiddo, excited for your first counselor year?"

The girl sighed, and slowly turned her head to face forward.

"Yeah,  I guess"

Her Father sighed and continued driving forward.

"You know, you don't need to sound like the world's against you all the time." He said, looking forward with a straight face.

The girl continued to stare, not responding.  Her twin sister Kenn, drinking out of a soda cup in the backseat.

Their father turned around to look at the twin, smiling. Kenn definitely had a better attitude than Aven about most things.

"You excited Kenn?" He asked her, turning back to look at the road.

The girl nodded, looking up from the drink in hand. "Oh yeah, counseling is gonna be fun." Aven turned around to look at her sister.

"Hope's counseling too right?" The girl asked, a smirk painted onto her face. She had on minimal makeup, some mascara and blush. Aven was the type of person to always look perfect, no matter the situation. Even when her world was falling apart, she always had to look proper.

Kenn, on the other hand, was quite the opposite. Her dirty blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail, pieces falling out of place as she bent down and picked up a map off of the floor.

As she sat back up, Aven realized that her sister was blushing. They had to keep things like this a secret from their dad, who wasn't really supportive of sapphic ways.

"Oh yeah, we'll at least i'll have a friend to hang out with" she smiled shyly as she quickly tried to change the subject. "Dad, I think you missed the exit to the camp"

"Oh shit!" Their dad cursed, turning his steering wheel. "Sorry girls"

They both laughed. "It's fine" Aven said with a smile. It was the first time she'd laughed the entire car ride. It's not like she didn't want to go to camp, but she didn't want to work there. The only reason the girls were, was because their Dad spent the saved money for bills on lottery tickets.

They pulled into the side-road of dirt and gravel. After about 5 minutes of driving, they went under a wooden sign that read "Camp Midnight!" and then pulled into a grass parking lot.

They started unloading their duffel bags, and giving hugs to their father, as kids ran around the camp yards.

"Love you Dad!" Kenn said as he started to drive away. It wasn't that they didn't love their father. He was just really hard to be around sometimes.

The 2 girls walked up to a table set up in front of some wooden cabins. Assuming it was where you got assigned cabins, they walked up to it.

"Hello!" an unknown girl said at the table. "Camper or Counselors?"

Aven pointed to herself and her sister. "Oh uhm, we're both counselors"

"Perfect! What are your names?"

Kenn stepped in front of Aven. They both knew that she had better people skills. "Aven and Kenn Turner" The girl said with a grin.

"Alrighty, Aven will be cabin 5, and Kenn will be cabin 7!"

"Perfect, thank you"

Both girls walked off to go find their assigned cabins.
"I wonder if Hope will be in my cabin. It's a pretty small camp, there aren't many other places she could be."

Aven just nodded and smiled. As much as she loveddddd to hear her sister talk about her crush, she usually found herself zoning out.

When the girl finally came back to reality, she realized that they were standing right in front of a big log house that read "CABIN 5!"

Kenn laughed. "We'll that's not hard to miss. I'll see you around!" And just like that, Aven was alone.


She walked into the cabin to see 3 teenage girls. Around the ages of 15, 16, and 14. One of them had to be the other counselor, since there had to be 2 per cabin.

"Uhm hi, i'm Aven" She said, waving her hand to the girls.

The first one looked about 15. She had short brown hair, and tanned skin. She was wearing a blue t-shirt and white shorts.

The girl in the middle was older, probably by a year. She had long, curly, red hair, fare skin, bright blue eyes. She wore a striped tank top and corduroy shorts.

The third girl had long dirty blonde hair. She was tall, probably about 5,7. She was wearing a striped shirt and jeans.

The redhead put out her hand. "Hey, i'm Avery. You must be the other counselor"

Aven shook Avery's hand. "Nice to meet you" She smiled. Hopefully she could be a friend.

The tall one stepped forward. "I'm Kate! Nice to meet you" She smiled brightly.

The last one stepped closer too. "I'm Sam. Its great to meet you"

Avery interrupted the girl and pointed to a bunk bed. "That's your bunk, you can just set your stuff there"

"Oh uhm, thank you"


Sooooo I added a new character!!!! Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter! I'm so excited to write this story. <3

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