***soulmates 2/2***

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Days past. Days spent writing back and forth to each other. Late at night, early in the morning they would talk. On the first day they spent the whole hours of the night writing to each other, never running out of things to tell the other.

You would have thought that one of them would eventually let slip that they were a different species, but it didn't happen, until now.

Vel believed she had grown to enjoy the personality her soulmate possessed but now was curious at what she looked like.

She had already learnt malori was short because of her complaining on how cerik would make fun of her for it, making her dispise the boy even more. And after a few more questions she learnt that malori had violet eyes, a colour she found quite pretty and cute, then learning of maloris brunette, fluffy hair.

Her image of what malori looked like was almost complete, all thats left were her demonic traits that malori never seemed to mention.

'What do your horns look like?'


Oh, right, not all demons have horns, like fenn: she has wolf ears.

'Do you have scales, or wolf traits?'

Vel sat for awhile waiting for an answer. A few seconds past before an adventurer entered the room (bad time, buddy).
She quickly disposed of them before looking back at her arm.

'Umm, I'm afraid i don't understand what you mean by that but I'm sorry, i have to go, I'm currently in the demon tower. Nearly at the top floor with cerik, I'll talk to you later <3'

Malori had a habit of adding hearts after everything she said, it made vel imagine that her voice was caring and sweet, she just wanted to meet her already and judging by what malori had told her, she just might.

But it was very suspicious how malori was circling around her question, maybe she didn't like the way her horns looked?

Just then new adventurers entered her room. A wave of irritation came over the demon queen. Clearly these adventurers don't understand that she has a life too and that she currently needs to hurry up and find malori before she loses her.

Deciding to do this quick she lunged forward to the smaller adventurer. Surprised when she manoeuvred out the way so fast. The other one then came charging from behind her, which she quickly threw him away at his friend.

Thankfully they both toppled over.

"Cerik... why are you so damn heavy..? You need to lose weight." The one underneath unintentionally said loud enough for the queen to hear.

"Shut up, malori!" He quickly replied.

Malori. Malori! MALORI! CERIK! No, god no! Nononononononono, please, not now, not here!

Vel could see it. On the red heads arm; their conversation written on her skin.

What is she ment to do!?

That human- is her soulmate! An adventure! (A cute adventurer) her enemy!

The two must have noticed her hesitation but both reacted differently. Cerik came full force at vel while malori waited and was more curious on why she was hesitating.

Quickly looking around, she followed to where the demon queens eyes were; on her arm. Her conversation. Why would the demon queen be interested in that? Especially when she has the same thing on her arm?



OH- Oh no!
Uh oh, spaghetti-ooooo's
This is bad.

"Cerik, WAIT!" Malori screamed at her friend before he was about to unleash his attack.

"Malori, this is NOT the time!"

"No! Look at her arm!"

When cerik saw it he froze too, there is no way malori found her soulmate before he did, FUCK THIS!

"Well this is a bit awkward..." malori started after a few minutes of silence.

"Really." Vel continued.

Vel hated to fact that malori looked cuter than she thought she would in real life and that her voice was exactly like she had imagined, only better. She was just adorable, but a human.

"You both couldn't have mentioned that, idk, you were a different species when talking!?" Cerik was probably growing more agitated then the two of them combined.

When vel and malori made eye contact they were both lost for words. Neither knew how to react, nor did they know how the other would react. Do they keep fighting like nothing happened or sort this out through communication?

Neither knew.

But they would figure it out... eventually.

They have a lot of shit to sort out, have a wonderful day/night ;)

Malori X Vel One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now