***inside out***

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It's the movie 'inside out' but with vel, and instead the little people talking in her head are:

Organisation: she keeps everything running smoothly.

Officer: she keeps vels social standards safe.

Love: she is obsessed with malori.

Knowledge: she has all of the knowledge that vel has ever acquired in her life.

Altruistic: vels kindness, empathy, sympathy and helpfulness.

Boss: she is the queen of the brain/thoughts/feelings, she is the original vel who has the power to delete anyone from her personality. She never talks but sends feelings to her emotions or thoughts.

Malori is asking vel for help on an assignment that she needs to hand in and on their dat- i mean, study session, vel is having inner conflict.

"Malori should be coming soon! Oh, I'm so excited to see her cute little face!" Love exclaimed from her seat on the far left side of the table. Her head being completely balanced by a loose wrist and elbo resting if the pure white table.

"I am sure we have everything ready." Organisation checked through her notepad that she never seems to drop for the eighth time today.

"Remember, we have to give off the impression that we didn't try otherwise she will think we actually enjoy her company." Officer almost demanded, sitting at the opposite side of love.

"But we do enjoy her company, i say we just tell her how we feel, and then kiss her, and then marry her, and then...." love continued to ramble while the others decided to side with the defensive side of vel.

"Guys, if we don't get this perfect then the boss might fire us. Lets just work together, please." Altruistic reminded everyone.

With that they all fell silent, until malori came in.

The familiar auburn haired girl stepped through the doors earning the normal nagging to just pin the girl down and leave their lipstick marks to be the only cover for her body by the lustful emotion.

"Have you no respect! One; we need her consent and two; what if someone saw!? We would have hell to pay." The defending emotion tried to knock some sense into love.

But as usual she didn't pay attention, instead just focused her eyes on the screen in front of her. Eyes dilating immediately when they locked onto malori, much like the rest of the emotions despite their efforts to resist the temptations of love.


The cool breeze blew onto the two burning with anticipation bodys.

The two women decided that while working on maloris assignment they would have a seat at a table that three wandering pookas laid out for them.

Although the demonic queens face was resorted in a calmly, focused fashion her mind was a little more..... chaotic.

"A. Fucking. Angel is sitting in our presence. How did we get so lucky!? Lets just grab her cheeks and kiss her and then never let her go!" Love almost demanded while making an attemption to grab hold of the remote, ultimately ending up dramatically face planting onto the table when a quick reflex of defensive vel grabbed hold of the control remote.

"What do you think your doing!? We have a reputation to up hold!" The vel with incredibly fast reflexes scolded the other reckless vel.

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