***that stripper ***

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"Maybe we can find you a girlfriend tonight!?" Melathia exclaimed excitedly, earning a scof from her friend.

"I told you, were not here to pick up girls, were here to do our job." Velverosa smartly responded.

Both girls were seated in a black porsche with red leather seats. Since Velverosa was driving Melathia didn't talk as much as she would have, knowing full well that vel didn't like distractions.

Finally the two had pulled up to a huge building with bright multi coloured lights.

Without wasting time, vel had already walked in the building. She just wanted to get this over and done with.

Despite her friend protests that they should just enjoys themselves and let loose, velverosa never failed to keep up her scowl.

The music was banging in the business womens ears, she never liked any 'above the level of talking' noises, exept when it comes to herself of course.

Finally when vels eyes adjusted to the lights they landed on a brunette. Her legs were wrapped around the pole in a tight grasp. One arm was tightly gripping higher up the silver pole that reflected all lights off it and the gazes of men and women off all ages who had their eyes fixed onto the brunette.

Vel felt a pain of jealousy. She doesn't know why though.

The lighting made the red in the dancers hair stand out, aswell as the reflection of her glossy violet eyes when they finally opened and fixed themselves with the golden ones watching her.

Everything about her seemed so perfect. Including the blush that creeped on her face when they made eye contact.

Vel couldn't help but blush aswell.

The song that she was dancing to slowed as she hoped off the pole. Now the business women was able to get a better look at her outfit.

A leather black chocker with red highlights made its way around her neck, accompanied by a small, golden chain from the front, almost like a leash.

A black little skirt was loosely hooked around her waist with more red highlights and smooth black stocking down her legs to her black boots.

Laying just ontop of her smooth lightly defined abs were two usless pieces of black fabric, the were criss crossed along her pale back and stomach.

She had a black bra, outlined with a ruby red. As well as the usless pieces of fabric conecting her skirt and bra together there was also golden chains, loosely hanging down her sides.

Vel couldn't help but her face heat up even more when she noticed how long she had been staring at her body and Melathia had been slyly looking at her.

"You know, you can just ask her out." Melathia remarked at her friends blushing face.

"Nonsense, there's no way i would do that. Besides i have a job to do."

"Well, you can just ask her then."

"Fine. I will."

As the sexually frustrated women made her way across the culb so did malori.

Malori usually closes her eyes when on the pole, in hopes that it will help block out the amount of people watching her.

But she hadn't expected that when she opens them to be met by A GODDESS!

She had immediately locked eyes with golden ones.

Her look gave off a ferced demeanor. For the first time ever malori had felt herself heat up by having such focused eyes on her.

Malori X Vel One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now