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"Miss Dragoness, we are going to need you to calm down."

Reluctantly the silver haired women leaned back into her chair with a scowl on her face, her piercing gaze still locked on principal Albert daring him to continue.

"Miss Dragoness, you're grades are slipping and we are worried."

'Like hell you are, you just don't want your precious reputation to be ruined' golden eyes narrowed as the principal continued.

"We have arranged for you to met with a tutor every Friday morning and afternoon, considering that it is Friday today your first meeting with her will be this afternoon."

''Her' maybe this won't be so bad after all.' A devilish smirk appeared on the students face as she walked out of the principals office where her clique was waiting for her outside and she re-told the story of this poor girl that has been foretold to tutor her.



A long, drawn out sigh left the principal of flostel 'Christ, are all these kids programmed to have the same reactions.'

"Miss crowett, you are going to need to calm down."

Reluctantly the auburn haired brunette leand back into her chair, eyes still wide with shock. When she was called into the principals office she was afraid that she might be getting suspended for beating up cerik again.

"Miss crowett, we would like to request that you tutor a troubled student. Her name is velverosa."

Immediately as the name was mentioned malori felt heat rising to her cheeks. Velverosa was Malori's first crush all the way since 5th grade and vel is also maloris current crush.

"You are going to be meeting with her every Friday morning and afternoon, so since today is Friday this afternoon will be your first session with her."

Maloris eyes fixed blankly onto the wall behind principal Albert for a couple seconds before being snapped back into reality by his dismissal.

Malori couldn't even remember standing up or walking away, all she remembers is running up to cerik with gushing tears of an emotion that she couldn't quite place.

She was happy that now she gets to spend time with her true love, but also terrified at the same time. Vels temper is short, she gets annoyed easily, to merely tutor her without having her hate you immediately would be like taming the dragon.


Friday afternoon:

Both lesbians had been given their place of meeting which was ment to be... vels house.

Entering her home is equivalent to entering a dragon den. If you go in you won't come out alive or with the same dignity.

Unfortunately for malori, she was already running late and she had to enter the building.

She had a bag full of books and pencils that she had brought which she hung over one shoulder as it dangled at her hips.

Malori hadn't had the time to think about what she was going to wear so she had put on the first thing she could find.

Malori X Vel One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now