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*Before vel went to flostel*

As usual the auburn haired mage walked through the forest with a little skip in her step.

She had just arrived from the portal and was enjoying her nice stroll through the demon infested forest before enjoying tea with her not-yet-hopefully-soon-to-be girlfriend.

She was almost so distracted by thoughts of vel that she almost mist the little box hidden in a bush near by.

The mage passed it once.

Then ran back dramatically, almost falling over in the process.

Slowly and carefully the bakers daughter crouched down beside the cardboard box.

It was a plain box and it was just bigger then maloris torso.

Any other adventure would have kept walking without paying it a second thought. Thinking that it was probably someones junk.

Malori however had a strong curiosity.

Carfully, malori lifted one of the folded over sides to reveal what was inside.

Apon looking in immediately malori noticed white tufts of fur with bright honey eyes beaming up at her in an almost irritated manner.

"Awwwwww, puppy."

The bakers daughter gently lowered her hand into the box. At first the silver dog avoided her hand before sniffing the tips of her fingers and nuzzling into her hand.

The dogs tail began to wag at a steady pace behind it.

Malori gently scrached behind the puppys ears, earning a faster wag in response.

"You know, you kind of remind me of someone," the silver haired dog looked up at her while tilting its head to the right.

The mage thought for a second before dismissing the thought. "Its probably nothing."

"Now, what should i call you?" Snow?" The dog immediately stopped the wagging of its tail and glared up at malori with piercing eyes.

"I'll take that as a 'no'. How about.... dog?" It seemed that the pup did an irritated eye roll at malori before pulling away from her hand.

"Ok, I suck at naming things. What do you want to be called?" The dogs head shot up and stared at maloris violet eyes with golden ones.

It almost reminded malori of the way dragon vel looked at her.


Golden eyes softened in approval before coming back over to maloris hand where it nuzzed against to skin again.


Malori was running through the halls of the demon tower with the box in hand.

Finally the mage made it the floor she was running to.

Even before opening the door with her foot malori could smell the aroma of well cooked lamb. In turn made a fluffy, silver face shoot up in hopes to hunt down the delicious smell.

Malori remembered that this was the exact same way the vel reacts when she smells something she likes. But eventually her dense brain brushed it off.

Opening the doors malori was met with the sight of a bored, irritated vel slowly taping her finger onto the table already set up while looking out at the beautiful landscape, soiled by the kingdom of flostel it the distance.

"Good evening, my queen." Malori cheered, earning two very angry eyes to now stare at her.

"Where have you been?" Velverosa harshly asked. She wasn't concerned or worried or anything like that, she just wanted to know what had kept her favo- special guest from have tea with her. What could be more important then her? Did malori get herself into trouble? Did someone hurt her?

Velverosa was torn away from her thoughts when a snapping sound entered her ears.

Her finger that was once gently taping on the table had now broken through the wood, leaving a hole and large cracks through the table.

Looking up, stearn eyes were met with wide ones.

Malori gently placed the box on the floor and put both of her hands in it to soon lift them out with a silver puppy.

"Isn't she so cute!"

"Malori, what is that doing here?"

Malori had re-told the story of how she found dragoness and why she had decided to bring her here.

"Ok, i see now. But would you please stop cuddling it."

The brunette had taken her seat in front of the dragon but the silver haired dog had not left her grasp.

The puppy was now sitting on her lap and resting on her chest, almost like it was asleep. While a soft hand stroked its fur in hopes to keep her that way.

"Why? Am i making you jealous?" For the first time the mage had lifted her head to look at something other then the unconscious being on her lap while also delivering a flirtatious smirk at vel.

In turn vels face heat up by the question.

"N-no, of course not! Why would I, queen of the demons, feel jealous of a puppy asleep in some adventures lap?"

"Hmmmm, ok." The mage continued to stare down and pet the asleep dog.

There's no way vel would feel jealous, its not like she's ever thought about resting her head on maloris chest like a pillow and her soft, delicate hand combing through her hair, coaching her to sleep in the sweet scent of chestnut and the light air of freshly baked bread.

Yeah, no way.

But for some reason vel just couldn't seem to tear her eyes away from the two.

The softness of maloris hand being wasted by something that's not even awake to enjoy it.

She felt a tingling feeling in her heart. It felt so weird.

It was a feeling of emptiness, loneliness, sadness, and so much more.

She hated it!

Eventually malori noticed her queen spacing out.

Carfully the mage slipped her hand onto of the queens.

A small smile was on her face, showing her genuine love for her queen.

Suddenly the feeling in her heart stopped and instead it started to beat faster.


After the twos moment the dog had slipped out of the throne room and into Melathias cambers.

"Good work." Melathia had congratulated the puppy before slipping a small bag into the dogs jaws, which contained a hundred gold.

Thank you for the request @Missed_Potato_Head

Sorry these are taking awhile to come out but i promise i will (eventually) complete everyones requests (*breaths in* this is going to take a long time)

I'm sorry if this isn't the way you imagined it @Missed_Potato_Head but i hope you liked it either way! (I tried my best)

(I'll probably make another one of these)

Have a wonderful day/night ;)

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