***shark week***

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Today the demon generals are having a special meeting. A very special one.

Each general from #1-7 had arrived at the table, everyone bearing gifts in hand, awaiting the arrival of their queen.

Finally the demon queen had arrived in the meeting room with a handful of flowers.

"Great you're here," Melathia had greeted her queen. "Now, does everyone have there sacrifices?"

A synchronised nod came from everyone around the table.

"I have made her a really soft blanket" Conoleth shouted excitedly from a corner of the table.

"I-i have chocolates." Fenn continued.

"Well, i didn't know whether to get her chocolates or a blanket sooooooo i just settled with a pillow that she can stab to her hearts content!" Berkz said like it was completely normal.

The rest of the generals continued naming their gifts around the circle until it landed on velverosa again.

"Now, we must choose who our sacrifice shall be." Melathia said in a type of accent, giving a ritual vibe to everyone around the table.

All heads turned towards the one person who could actually walk into the beasts den and make it out alive.

Queen velverosa.

"Vel, the tribe has spoken."

Without complaining the dragoness gathered all of her friends gifts for her girlfriend.

"So when she dies, who gets her room?" Fhaust whispered to no one in particular.


Hesitantly vel reached for the door nob, ready for whats inside.

Opening the wooden door with a creak, the queen laid her golden eyes on her girlfriend.

Somehow the small human was able to take up all the space on the bed and all the pillows.

Malori was huddled up, gripping onto the same pillow that vel always held when sleeping.

Violet eyes could hardly be seen by the auburn hair scattered around. The sunbeams perfectly reflected off the exposed pale skin that wasn't covered by vels scented pillows and sheets.

"Hey, love." Vel spoke softly, careful not to startle her sleeping beauty.

"What?" A muffled voice was heard from the pillow.

Slowly vel placed the chocolates and crawled onto the bed, putting berkz pillow and conoleths blanket somewhere in the swarm of there own kind.

Vel tried to embrace her lover but then her moody lover quickly turned away.

Still the queen wrapped her arms around her girlfriends waist from the back while inhaling the scent of chestnut from the back of her humans neck.

Burying her face into her girlfriends neck, the demon queen spoke. "I love you," hot breath traveled down maloris back.

"Hmmm...." a croaky voice mumbled out of closed lips.

Brows furrowed malori pushed vel off her, let go of vels pillow and one blanket and instead turned around and embraced her queen.

Burying her face into her girlfriends chest, malori mumbled out again but this time softer, in a pleased way.

Smiling, vel pulled malori in tighter and nuzzled herself closer while dishing out complements in order to help soothe her girlfriend.

I HAVE MY MOTIVATION BACK! Have a wonderful day/night ;)

Malori X Vel One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now