***vels sick day***

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Years after malori and vel have gotten married:

As usual the a sleepy dragon awoke to set demonic golden eyes apon the normal fluffy auburn hair in front of her. A soft breathing was erupting from the small body in her arms. Hot breath was being blown onto her chest, an expanding and decreasing motion was on a never ending lope under her. Bare legs were tangled together under them and the only things stopping both of them from making anymore contact was thin air. As usual the dragon was filled with delight but she did feel a little off. Obviously she just struggled it off. After delivering a short sweet kiss to her wifes head she managed to unchain herself from the somehow strong grip around her dispite the owener of the arms being asleep. Leaning up so her feet were dangling off the couples bed the taller of the two looked down in aw at the smaller one. Her auburn hair was all fluffed out and stretching along their pillow. Her mouth was open slightly, letting her breath push past her lips. Before vel stood up she felt something iching at the back of her throat and a tickling at her nose. A sneeze escaped the demon causing the younger one to awake without the dragon noticing, she was too busy finally realising the blocking in her nose. Malori leaned up and placed her hand ontop of the others head, just below her horns.
"Vel, I think you have a fever." She stated.
"Impossible, dragons don't get colds." Vel stubbornly answered. But was soon proven wrong by another sneeze and having to wipe her nose again.
"Jezz your Impossible." malori said to no one in particular before using her strong grip to force the demon back down onto the bed. "Sleep, rest, I'll take care of you" somehow the queen was aroused and felt protected, plus a little disappointed in herself that a human has to take care of her. After awhile the dragon stopped fighting her wife and sleep took over her. When she finally awoke she relised malori hadn't been kidding when she said she was going to take care of her. There was a wet cloth resting just below her horns. On the side table was a glass of water and a soup that smelt amazing, it smelt like... chicken soup, still warm. It was then when the possessive wife relized that her mage was no where to be seen. She started to panic, 'i swear if anyone has touched a hair on her hea-' the  over exaggerating train of though came to a halt when vel opened to door to her study to find her wife sitting at her study working on the queens papers.
"Vel, what are you doing here? Go back to bed." The mages tone was enough to be conted as a scold. But nonetheless the demon smiled when her wife grabbed her by the hand and dragged her back to their bed were they spent the rest of the day cuddling. Ultimately ending up with malori becoming sick aswell.

Maloris sick day will be coming soon. Have a wonderful day/night ;)

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