chapter 24

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As his body went limp I cried, I sobbed. I could hear some voice announce my victory, but I didn't understand the words and I couldn't even place who it was. Cato had sacrificed himself for me and now I was the last one. Out of 24, I was the only tribute left standing. And you know what? I wasn't happy. Winning had never felt this empty for me before.

It didn't even feel like winning. I was supposed to be dead. Without Cato, I would probably be dead, but now he was the one getting cold. He was the one who floated above. us. He didn't deserve it. He deserved heaven, that's for sure, but he had to go there in maybe 60 years. 

How had it ever been my dream to kill people in cold blood and then stand up and be proud at the end of it? I was nothing but a murderer. As the thoughts continued to fill my head everything slowly blurred soon all I could see was black.


I woke up with a start after what felt like years of sleeping. As I opened my eyes the emptiness soon filled with brightness. In the brightness, blurred shapes came into view. Those blurred shapes soon turned sharp and I could see three faces hanging around me, Enobaria, Brutus, and an unknown strange woman. The woman was wearing all white and her face looked relieved. Brutus and Enobaria had smirks on theirs. 

"Final two, great job!"  Brutus exclaimed. I looked at him in fright, everything that happened rushing back into my memories. He had drunk the whole bottle, he had gone limp, all color, warmth, and life had left his body. He was dead, my district partner, friend, and later on more had passed. And it was all for me. The tears once more threatened to spill when Enobaria looked at me. 

"Don't forget your place, you have cried enough. We know it is hard, even we thought he would be the one to make it out. But he didn't and we should except that. You can't change the past. Get ready, I'm going to bring you to your stylists so you can get made up. There is an interview tonight. It's life and they're going to show a recap of the games, like every year. Please don't cry. Act as if it was all an act. We can't have 2 people from our district be sappy, especially not if one of them won the games."

At this is sucked up my tears and went numb inside, of course, it was like this. This was the first time ever, but for a second I hated being from 2 instead of 12 or 11. At least you could love freely in the lower districts. Maye if Cato and I had been born there we would be a happy couple now, probably not but it would be worth the try.

The tears threatened to spill once again. but I sucked it up and walked out of the room. I hadn't even walked five footsteps or there were people surrounding me. Someone walked up to me, greeted me, and brought me to a room. I was told to wait for my stylist here. So, I did. 

After almost half an hour I was finally being taken care of, it was a few hours later when I was waiting downstairs to go to my interview. The rest of the evening was boring and the only thing I really remember was getting congratulated, but I wasn't happy. I was also scarred again by having to watch 2 full hours of videos of the games. It was the worst part of the experience yet, apart from losing...


After a week I could finally go home. The only thing I wanted to do was lay down in bed and feel sorry for myself. I couldn't however because of all the congratulations. As soon as I returned there were loud cheers and whoops, there were also a lot of people who would have preferred Cato though. Honestly I would have too.

There were parties and dinners and finally after all that I could go on with my anti-social life. I did spend the rest of my week (maybe even more :( )in bed, crying

the final chapter, working in progress right now.

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