chapter 15

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I wake up only to find my protective wall gone and my nightmare being real. Cato must have left to get some food or anything, but then I start thinking of the outcome of these games. There's absolutely no way the game makers are letting two victors out, they just can't do it. Yesterday it was so easy to fall asleep in peace believing Cato and I would both make it out of here. Now all those ideas and feelings from yesterday where crushed. Now I realized the capital would never let us out together and then I took of running.  I was running away from my fears and as soon as I felt lost I broke down, crying.

About a half hour past till I heard Cato's voice. It sounded worried and afraid looking for me and shouting my name. As soon as he saw me his face fell and he pulled me into a warm and comforting hug. As he was stroking my hair he asked me what was wrong but I couldn't answer. Then he told me about something I must have mist. There would be a feast in the morning and as it was noon we made a plan. Even if I didn't think the capital would let both of us out we could still try it out. We where going to be the final 2 even if one of us and with that both of us had to die. 

As Cato was making our dinner I went over the plan again. We would kill 5 and Katniss,  we wouldn't have to worry about Peeta seeing his leg was cut open, and leave Thresh for the final battle. I was afraid of Thresh and Cato wasn't really eager to fight him either. Seeing as I was the fasted I would wait a while and then run up to get our bag, nobody would follow risking their own. Then I would make a big show of leaving and the others not thinking of Cato would come up.  If someone came up to Cato whilst in battle I would come back to back him up. I think Cato agreed especially because he wanted me out of danger.

We ate the dinner and talked over the plan for a final and then started wondering about what could be in the bags. We knew 12 would need something for Peeta's wound and Katniss would probably stupidly risk her life for it, considering they where probably still pulling their little act off.  For 5 and 11 we had no idea, well maybe food for 5, but Thresh wouldn't need anything seeing he hadn't come out of his little field. Then I thought about what could be in our bag. Maybe a screen? To protect us from the camera's,  ok no that's stupid.  What did we need? Food? Op maybe armor to protect us from Katniss her arrows? Yes, probably the latter.

That night I fell asleep in Cato's arms for hopefully our final night in the arena. 

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