chapter 12

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 A couple of days past and nothing happened. We where combing down the whole arena but by now all tributes had a safe place and where ready for us. There weren't any stupid fire's and the only place we hadn't checked was the weed field. I didn't want to even if I would never admit it. The only tribute I was afraid of was Thresh and he would probably be in the weed fields.

It was the fifth day we finally found some action. We were just doing our normal routine, looking for tributes, when we saw smoke. This made us excited for the another tribute and we made our way over. 'Guys?' I heard Peeta say and just as he opened his mouth again we saw it. There was a huge wall of flames coming our way, the fire wasn't another tribute, it was made by the gamemakers. We started running away ad we noticed the fire wasn't meant for us. 

There she was 'the girl on fire', the person we wanted to catch so bad. The girl who had slipt through out fingers a few times too much. She was in the water and had a wound, probably because of the fire. I wanted to make a stupid remark like 'the girl who played with fire' or something like it but Cato noticed her and started too whoop. Why did he do that? 

Katniss noticed us and loverboy and started running as fast as she could. We started making pace after her until she found a tree. She started climbing and I know it sounds stupid, we have been training for the games for most our lives, but I was the only climber amongst us. This also came with that only Cato knew that apart form my trainer, who was back at home in 2. And the stubborn person I was would only climb if Cato asked me too. The reason for this being simple, revenge.

Katniss was already high up the tree when Cato started climbing, but he had never learned and was as heavy as a bear so he fell down earning a laugh from non other than me. He looked at me and I could feel the anger radiating from him, he still didn't ask me to climb though. Guess pride is a lot in our miserable world. As Cato attempted to climb Katniss went even higher up looking down on us mockingly. This is when Glimmer got enough she shot an arrow at Katniss. Then again we all know Glimmer is an untalented barbie doll and she missed Katniss by over a foot. HA! 

Then Cato lost his temper grabbing the bow from Glimmers hands and muttering he would do it himself. Of course he mist even farther than Glimmer. 'You could also just throw a knife while you at it!' I looked around and then realized how stupid that was because it was obviously Katniss. How stupid did she think we where? Then I heard Peeta say the first smart thing he ever said 'we could just wait'. At first I doubted him but it was as good of a plan as any, so we sat down and just waited for Katniss to come down.

We where all getting bored, we still had a little bit of food, it was almost getting night and on top of that Glimmer was sleeping on Cato's arm. Earlier she had watched him fanning over him while he put his sword in the fire and spit on it. I was still fine though, I had made friends with our newest career member, even if she was there from the beginning, the district 4 female. She didn't talk much and I didn't care about her name, but she was fine company. 

When I woke up the first thing I heard was a scream, assuming that's why I woke up. Second I heard a loud buzzing noise. Third I heard Cato shouting to get to the water. I ran and fell down looking beside me to see barbie face looking awfully ugly and dead. Then I felt two arms wrap around me, Cato?

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