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Silently, I took in a deep breath, gathering enough energy to tackle this issue once and for all. "Uncle Chimdi, I have been listening, way too many times, but I can't do what you're asking of me."

He stormed up to his feet. "Why!? Why not, Kasiemobi!? I, your uncle decided you will marry Kamalu and you have the boldness to refute my order! I see you've grown wings to challenge me."

"Uncle Chimdi, that's not what I'm trying to do..."

"See? I said we should tell her the truth but none of you listened to my words and now, she's doing whatever she likes without knowing the consequences of her actions."

I shifted my eyes to Junior, who just spoke. "W-what are you talking about?" I asked as I took a few steps closer to him.

"Enough!" Mum ordered, and we redirected our attention to her seated on one of the single sofas.

"I believe it's prime time we really talk as a family because right now, keeping you in the dark is no longer working... Jachi, Lota, Chidera and Kasie, it's time you all know the actual truth pioneering this family." She stated, not quite meeting our eyes, and that was enough for the three of us to calm down and find a seat on any of the sofas.

Staring at mum, she looked serious, like she was about to say something she didn't want to say and the strangest part, she won't look at my face or meet my eyes during her hesitation. Suddenly, she lifted her eyes to us, to me.

"The reason we've been so hard on you about marrying Kamalu is because if you don't... we all die."

Steadily, a frown appeared between my brows. "W-what?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, that'll be the end of our business, and every single member of Ejindu's lineage will die, no matter where he or she is in the world."

I lowered my eyes from mum, still in disbelief as I blinked a lot more than often. "I... I can't believe this." I started before lifting them back to her. "You... I can't believe you'd make up such a horrible lie just so I would marry this man."

"Kasie, it's not a lie." Aunt Ruby said, and when I looked at her, I've never seen a more serious expression on her face. In her eyes, there was also fear and worry. I felt confused.

"I know what we're telling you is hard to believe, but it's the truth and this truth has been with this family for generations." Mum added, and I couldn't look at her. Honestly, I didn't want to believe a word they were saying.

"Wait, let me get this straight... if Kasie doesn't accept Kamalu as her husband, we... I'm going to die?" Chidera's voice and the unevenness in it was the reason I lifted my eyes to her. She had the word panic was written across her face, which was also getting to me.

"But why? What did we do? Is this a curse?" Lota asked all at once, fear etched in her voice.

Uncle Chimdi's sigh was enough to turn our head in his direction. "It's not a curse. Originally, it was blessing... In the old times, this village wasn't as presentable as it is now. Then, most of its inhabitants were tall grasses, trees and a human population of about two hundred or fewer than that. It was unpopular and regarded as a weakling to its neighbouring villages or even enemies. Our ancestor, Ejindu, he... he wanted to make a change, so he travelled to a far land, met a powerful deity, made a deal that would change his future and brought the idol and its servant back home with him."

There was silence amongst us after he stopped and we waited, not sure if something was coming next in that story.

"What deal did he make?" Jachi asked, she not exempted from the enemy called fear.

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