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Uncomfortable. That was the only word I could use to describe the situation I was in. I drifted my eyes to Chidera, who sat right beside me. She wore a smile from ear to ear as she watched Eze have his breakfast. Lazily, I drifted my eyes from her to Eze, and then the stranger whose name I recently found out was Cergio seated beside him. Our eyes met, and I was first to look away.

Every time I saw him, I'm reminded of the nightmare I had. It felt strange and uncomfortable, even though there was no explicable reason for what I'd seen.

"Kasie, it's nice to talk with you in person." Eze started and my eyes were back on him. I displayed a simple and yet brief smile as I nodded.

"It's nice to speak with you as well." Although, we've barely said anything to each other, other than these sentences. My gaze drifted back to the stranger in front of me. I watched him feed on everything presented in front of him except the fried eggs. Slightly, my brows furrow as I noticed how much he avoided them like it was a plague. He lifted his eyes and met mine once more. He attempted a smile that wasn't quite faint, and I wasn't in a hurry to look away.

"You don't like eggs?" The question rolled out of my lips quicker than I'd expected.


"Pastor here is vegetarian. My bad, I should have mentioned this earlier." Eze intervened before Cergio could get two words out.

"Oh." I replied as I lightly nodded in understanding. Wait... "But you had chicken and fish...." The rest of my sentence trailed away as realisation dawned on me. He didn't take it. I gave it to him. By this point, I was sure the remorse I felt expressed on my face without me having to say a word.

"What? He had chicken?" Chidera repeated, clearly confused by what I'd said.

"No, I didn't. It's a simple misunderstanding." He explained, his gaze drifting from me to her and back to me. "But I enjoyed the rice. Thank you." He appreciated while his gaze steadied on me, his faint and yet charming smile resurfacing. Gently, I nodded, a simple smile planted on my face as well.

He was back to taking his breakfast, and I drifted my eyes elsewhere. Gradually, they made their way back to the man in front of me. He isn't bad to look at. His skin is barely pale. His height... well, he isn't shorter than I am, so that's good and he kept a low, properly trimmed beard. He had a short black hair. Every physical thing about him screamed 'neat'. I watched as he quietly set the teaspoon on the saucer and lifted the cup to his lips, using his left hand. He lifted his eyes and met mine again. I froze as the pair of clear honey brown orbs stared back at me. I could only hope he looks away first, but he didn't. Instead, his brows gently furrowed and his gaze somewhat seemed inquisitive. Inquisitive?

Finally, I could shift my eyes away from his. A quiet sigh left my lips. This is ridiculous. Chidera has made me out to seem ridiculous. Why am I seated here quietly, like her lackey? I should leave. I'm only making a fool of myself. Then I drew in a deep breath as I shifted my eyes to Eze, ready to get the words out. And yet, I couldn't. He seemed so engrossed in his discussion with Chidera. I rolled my lips in for a second and they were back out, still hesitant about letting words out.

"Pastor." The word suddenly rolled off my tongue. I know I heard the word not too long ago, but it recently played back in my head and actually came out of my mouth without as much s me thinking this act through. I shifted my eyes to Cergio, who now stared back at me.

"Are you a pastor?" Again, the words rolled right off my tongue. I was being awfully bold today. Really, it's not my concern regardless of whether he is. It's not like it matters to me. Yet, my gaze pined for him to give a reply.

"Yes." His reply was short and straightforward. I simply nodded at his answer, not sure if there was anything else for me to say.

"That's right. He's one of the young pastors at the church I attend in the states and a close friend of mine." Eze narrated in a light laugh, and in the end, I nodded continuously. Why? I'm not sure. Suddenly, I stood to my feet. Also, not sure where I got the courage to do after pining for so long on how to get leave already.

"I..." I looked at Chidera before grabbing onto her arm and forcing her to stand to her feet, even though she really didn't want to. "... We should be going. I believe we left certain things unattended back home."

"We did?" Chidera asked, confusion detailed in her facial expression. I spared her a look.

"Um, okay, let me walk you out." Eze offered.

"No, it's okay. Continue with your breakfast and..." I looked at Cergio, whose eyes never left me since I asked if he was a pastor. How do I know? I felt it, his gaze following my every move, which was one reason I couldn't wait to leave. "... It was nice meeting you, pastor." I added, and without waiting for as much as a response, I made my way out of the dining area, dragging Chidera with me.

"I'll call you." She called out to Eze before we were halfway out of the dining area. I heard his voice. He must have replied to her because she was finally silent and walked calmly with me all the way out of the building.

Once outside, she suddenly withdrew her arm from my hold and drew to a stop.

"What was all that about?" She asked, and I folded my arms below my chest.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about your recent attitude. I'm married to him, you know."

"Traditionally." I spelt out for her as I drew closer. "You still haven't sworn an oath to each other in front of an altar." I added, her drama tiring me out.

"Well, we will, in a few days."

"Great till then, please be yourself and stop acting silly." I added, before turning away.

"Silly?" she repeated as she hurried to my front. "Oh... Is that what you were doing with Cergio?"


"Yes, that's it. You rarely talk amid strangers and you never care about their preferences, but a few minutes ago, you asked him if he liked eggs, if he was a pastor and you served him food the other day. You're interested in him, aren't you?"

I blinked a few times before allowing a frown to display in-between my brows. I shook my head at her as I looked away. "You're being childish." I said, then walked past her.

"Okay. Fine, I'm being childish. Well, time will tell." She added, and I wasn't about to stop and exchange words with her once more.

Later, in my room, I sat still in front of the dressing table and stared at my reflection in the mirror.

You're interested in him. Chidera's voice rang in my head. Lightly, I shook my head to rid myself of the thought of even thinking about her words. Yet, I couldn't completely free my thoughts from analysing the thought of it. He is good-looking and so far, well-mannered, but... I wasn't sure what it was but there simply was but.

This time, I sat straight, violently shaking my head a bit. As if that would rid me of the baseless thoughts I was having.

The door pushed open and mum walked in, past me and to the wardrobe. I stood to my feet after her and watched as she went through my clothes. Finally, she picked out a dress and handed it to me.

"Change quickly and come downstairs." She ordered, before walking past me once more.

"Are we going somewhere?" I quickly asked before she could leave the room.

"No." she replied after a strange minute of hesitation. "We have a guest here to see you and..." She turned back to me. "... No matter what you find out, just know, it's for the greater good. I love you."

A frown appeared between my brows, regarding her words. She flashed a weak smile. "Be quick." She gave one last order, and she was out of the room.

Guest? Greater good... I love you? Mum acted strange, and it worried me that her reason might be bigger than I would expect.

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