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Mum's hold on my arm was strong as she dragged me along with her into her bedroom and the moment she shut the door after her; she let go of my arm. I couldn't help but rub the very spot.

"What is wrong with you!? Do you have any idea what your actions can cause us!?" She ranted in a flare and this was the first time in years that I've seen her this upset with me. She brought her hands to her head.

"This child has killed me." She stated in our dialect before lapsing on the bed. To be honest, I didn't enjoy seeing her like this and I couldn't say a word. No matter what I say now to convince her to accept my decision, she'll never see reason.

She lifted her eyes to me. They'd grown teary. "Can't you say yes for my sake? Please Kasie, for my sake, accept his proposal." She urged, and by this time, her tears rolled down her cheeks. I hurried to her, taking a seat on the bed by her side.

"Mum, don't cry. Please... I don't understand. Why Kamalu? I would say it's a business thing, but he's just another villager. Tell me, what is so special about him."

She sniffed, drifting her eyes elsewhere. "I don't want you to hate this family." She stated, which didn't do my understanding any good. Mum drifted her eyes back to me and took hold of my hand in hers. She held it softly and dearly.

"It might seem like we don't care about you, but we do. This is for your sake and your sisters... All you need to know is, your marriage is not just to tie you down or simply give you away because you're of marriageable age. Something much important is at stake and only you can save us... please, promise me you'll think this over once more and while you do, remember we're all counting on you."

She brought me closer for a warm hug, an act of console. "I'm sorry, things have to be this way."

I didn't know what to say or think anymore. It didn't seem like she simply wanted to marry me off. She isn't telling me something and I could feel it. There was more, and for a reason, she was reluctant to share. My heart felt heavy as a newfound pressure weighed on it. Do I ignore my happiness and accept the proposal, or do I keep fighting for my happiness and risk hurting my family?

A sigh left my lips once more while I stared at the skies that night, seated in the garden. If only the right answer would drop from the sky, then that would be great, but no, nothing is ever that easy.

"Are you okay?"

Immediately, I looked in the voice's direction and there he was, close to a seat. I'd probably been so lost in thoughts that I didn't hear him coming.

I nodded, even though it wasn't true.

"Can I join you?" Cergio asked after much hesitation. I wanted to say no, but I also needed company. Anything to get my mind off the situation I was in.

"Sure." I replied and watched as he had his seat before I looked away. Silence hovered around us for a good while.

"Chidera mentioned you had a suitor today." Suddenly, he interrupted the silence, and I was a little reluctant to look in his direction, especially at the mention of the word, suitor.

The atmosphere was silent once more after I didn't give a reply.

"Did you say yes?" Suddenly, he broke it once more.

"No." I was quick to reply immediately I looked his side and only felt embarrassed right after at how quick I'd been to defend.

"Okay." He replied, and I wasn't sure if there was something for me to say next or simply just walk away. Funny how we'd chatted okay the last time and now it felt awkward. What was different? I wasn't sure.

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