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I was back in the same nightmare and this time; I knew I was dreaming about this again. My gaze wandered around. There were no guests, no groom, no one, and I looked down at myself only to realise I was in the same wedding dress, but with blood stains splattered on it.

What was going on? Gradually, panic slipped in. I looked around, finally stopping at the sight of the same masquerade about fifteen steps away from where I was. I stared at it, my panic level increasing by the second. It didn't move and stood still, like a statue. Suddenly, I heard drumbeats, faint at first, but louder by the minute. The sound was deep, different from a percussion drum, and I had to conclude it was native. Yet, the fact remains that I could sight no one playing it.

I lowered my gaze. It made little sense. I needed to wake up. I needed to put an end to this, and when I lifted my eyes to the masquerade, it bent its head to the side. My heart sank right in with fear. I wanted to run, but I could not. It felt like something glued my feet to the very spot I was standing, and forced me to watch in fear as it made one body movement after the other, erasing the thought of it ever being a statue. It danced, dancing to the drum beat as it got closer. My heart raced fast with fear; It crept me on. I've heard of masquerades, I've seen them, but I've never stood and actually watched one performing.

Suddenly, I was loose and without waiting a second, I turned and took to my heels, running as fast as my legs could carry me. I felt too scared to look back, but just as the drums keep beating, I knew it was behind me. Then I tripped on my dress, lost my footing and fell to the ground. I turned while still on the floor and quivered in fear at how close it had gotten.

"Mine." Its word came out muffled and croaked, but I could hear it. My brows furrowed; until that moment, it had never spoken before. That was new, everything happening was new.

I felt exhausted, scared, and simply wanted this nightmare to be over already. "W-what... what do you want from me!? Why won't you leave me alone!?" I yelled at it, then out of the blue it stopped, likewise the mysterious drumbeat. It was still like a statue again. Unable to hold it in, I lowered my eyes to catch my breath and try to regulate my breathing. The moment I lifted my eyes to it. It ran towards me. "YOU'RE MINE!"

I screamed as I shield my face with my hands.

Instantly, I woke up panting, with sweat trickling down my forehead and my back. The hair on my body was on edge and my heart beat was fast and loud enough that I feared it might jump out of my chest. I felt scared—terribly afraid—and stared at my hands, shaking.

It spoke: It definitely spoke. This is more than an ordinary nightmare. Why would it say 'you're mine'? What did it mean by that? How was I going to deal with this? What was I going to do? I covered my mouth with my hands, trying to keep my emotions in check and calm down, but that was hardly working.

It was this village. I didn't know how, but it had to be this village. I needed my sanity back, and I was going to get it as soon as I can.

Later that morning, after freshening up and putting on something nice, I walked down the staircase and the aroma of familiar dishes filled my nostrils. It was a surprise to get to the kitchen and realise everyone was busy.

"Kasie, finally, you graced us with your presence." Aunt Ruby said sarcastically before giving an order to the house helper.

"Good morning aunty." I greeted as I strolled into the kitchen where the two house helps, Mum, Lota and aunt Ruby were hard at work. There was over one pot was on fire, and I couldn't help but wonder what the occasion was.

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