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"Good morning, mum." I greeted as I walked into the kitchen by morning, slightly yawning. I went straight for the fridge and took out a carton of juice. Once opened, I gulped down a lot right away.

"What are you doing, Kasie?" Mum's voice interrupted, and I almost choked on the drink. Funny, somehow, I forgot she was here, and that she was definitely going to say something regarding me drinking from the carton.

"I'm sorry." I apologised as I shut the lid back, then the fridge, before walking out of its corner. One look around, I realised she was alone in the kitchen.

"You're alone." I pointed out, and she nodded. "Ruby worked a lot yesterday, and she's yet to wake up."

"The house helpers?"

"Oh, they're busy tidying up the compound." She explained, and I nodded in accordance.

"Let me help you. What can I do?" I asked, feeling awful about the idea of her working alone.

"Nothing actually, it's a simple breakfast. Tea and bread."

"So, I can set the table?" I asked, determined to help, and she chuckled a bit before nodding.

"You can but everyone else is asleep and I'm sure they're going to wake up late so I'm making just my breakfast, and now yours." She explained, and I gently nodded in accordance. This was nice. We haven't been in a room, just the two of us since I got back.

"You look stressed. Did you not have a good night's sleep?" She asked, her brows furrowed as she stared at me inquisitively.

"Um..." Do I tell her about the nightmare? But again, maybe it was nothing. I mean, I was getting married to a stranger when the scary part occurred. If I have to tell the story, I'll have to talk about that and I, myself, do not understand why he was the one. Masquerade... Steve talked about a masquerade going after him in his dreams. Is this it? Is he the same one? But I've never dreamed about a masquerade. Why now? This can't be good, can it?

"Kasie." She called, and I felt her hand on my arm. My eyes were back on her. "What is it? You can tell me anything. What happened?" Her eyes were demanding and alluring. I wanted to share my troubles with her and yet, I couldn't for fear of what she might make out of it. I recalled seeing and hearing her conversation with uncle Chimdi. She was hiding something, and only God knows when she'll be ready to share with me.

I shook my head, unable to find the right words "Mum... what happened to us? We used to be close. I used to share everything with you and now..."

"Now, you hide from your family and you barely call as often as you should." She completed as she walked back to where she'd been standing.

Perhaps I should ask her about what she was hiding from me? I watched her put a piece of slice bread into her mouth before looking up at me.

"Won't you eat?" she queried the moment our eyes met once more, and I nodded quicker than I should. I took out a plate and kept a few slices of bread on it before letting her scoop the rest of the fried eggs onto the plate. I made tea for both of us and we were on our way to the dining table.

"Good morning, aunt, Kasie." Chidera greeted as she strolled into the dining area just as soon as we finished with breakfast.

"Morning dear. How was your night?" Mum asked, and she flashed a wide smile.

"Good." she replied before drifting her eyes to me. I stared back, matching her gaze. It was obvious she had something to say to me.

"I just want to let you know that I'm not upset about yesterday. I understand. You felt tired and couldn't be as excited as I was for my day."

"As excited? Chidera, I'm your older sister... your unmarried older sister who danced you out as one of your bridesmaids. I'm very sure you know what that means for me in the sense of tradition." I couldn't help listing out before she could go all judgmental on me. Getting up to my feet, I picked up my plate, then mum's and made my way towards the kitchen.

"Okay, fine. I understand, but I just... I expected more from you, but it's okay. It's fine. You're an introvert and that's okay."

"I'm not an introvert." I defended once I left the plates in the sink and turned to her right away.

Wearing a wide smile, she added. "That's great, so you have no problem helping me serve Eze and his guest breakfast."

I blinked a few times as I stared at her. She played me... right under my nose.

"The helpers can do that." I optioned, and she shook her head.

"No, I want to do this. Please, help me."

"They're in the other building. We would have to carry trays of everything to them." I pointed out and watched as she nodded.

"Exactly." She added, a smile playing on her face. I stared at her for a while. My cousin seemed unrecognizable by each passing day.

"You're really in love, aren't you?"

She giggled and eventually nodded. "Don't worry, you'll understand me when you truly fall in love."

I crossed my arms below my chest. "And who says I've never been in love?"

Her eyeballs drifted left and right, then back to me. "Well... have you?"

I should answer that with a yes, right? I mean, I almost married these men, which should mean I loved them, but now, thinking back... I wasn't sure what it was. Society pressure? Family pressure? Was I really never in love with them? Is that why I didn't shed a tear after the breakups? What is wrong with me?

My eyes met Chidera's. "Do you want my help or not?" I queried, changing the topic from what we were talking about. She smiled.

When we got to the guest house, thankfully, all were still in their rooms and we busied ourselves with setting the provisions on the dining table.

"Done, we should go." I stated and led the way, but she was quick to hold on to my arm.

"Let's wait a little more. I'm sure he's up. He's not a deep sleeper." She expressed, and I couldn't help letting out a light sigh as I looked away from her for a second.

"Chidera, your wedding is in a few days, then you can wake beside him for the rest of your life."

"I know and thinking about it is exciting, but I'm still interested in waiting to see him this morning." She added, emphasizing the word this. I couldn't help drawing in a deep breath and letting it out steadily as I brought a hand to rub my temple, my eyes lazily shutting.

"Good morning, Cergio." Chidera piped to someone behind me, and I couldn't help turning back right away. Instantly, my eyes widened at the sight of the person in front of me. He did it again... flashed his faint and yet charming smile.

"Good morning." He replied, his voice soothingly calm and slightly deep.

I lowered my eyes from him. Why is he here? No way... can someone tell me he isn't staying here with Eze as his guest?

"Good morning." His voice forced me to lift my eyes back to him, and he was looking right at me.

I felt hands on my shoulders. "Kasiemobi. That's her name." Chidera's voice resonating by my ear made it obvious she owned the hands on my shoulders. Well, I don't recall asking her to help introduce me to a stranger.


"Kasie. You can call me Kasie." I interrupted, not quite up for a name pronunciation lesson. I watched him nod in accordance. In that moment, the dream I had flashed across my mind.

Groom? Him? Why? Yes, it's terrible he died in my nightmare, but why him? Why not Steve or my fiancé before Steve? Why a total stranger with whom I have absolutely nothing in common with? What is this supposed to mean?

"I'm Cergio. Cergio Suarez." He, introducing himself, drew me out of my thoughts, and somehow, I curled up a simple smile.

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