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Once again, I woke up in a scare, panting and drenched in sweat. By this time, I felt exhausted from having the same nightmare repeatedly. Isn't it time the meaning reveals itself to me? Why can't I simply figure out what the issue is?

I looked to my side. Lota was nowhere to be seen, and I looked to the window. It was bright outside. Thank God it's morning already. Tiredly, I dragged myself off the bed and into the bathroom.

On my way to the living room, I could hear Junior's voice. He sounded upset and the moment I walked in, there was silence. They looked in my direction and I couldn't help looking from mum to uncle Chimdi and then his wife before meeting junior glare.

"Are you happy now? Do you see what your selfish decisions are doing to our lives?" He asked me in spite and I furrowed my brows at him.


"Junior." Mum called, but he wouldn't listen and walked up to me instead.

"The company is crumbling, and it's all your fault."

"Excuse me?" I folded my arms below my chest and stared back at him. "If I remember correctly, I let you, the only son of this family, run the company and where this attitude and hate is coming from, I really don't understand."

"You want me to respect you, uplift you? Then, do the one favour this family has been asking of you, marry Kamalu and spare us already." He declared, then walked past me, quacking a shoulder as he did.

"Why on earth is everyone obsessed with getting me married to him!?" I asked in annoyance as I turned to him.

"Because, it will save us all!" He exclaimed the moment he turned back to me. His gaze burrowing into mine. When did I go wrong with him? How did we get this far?

"Junior, go. You were leaving for Aba, right? Go on." Mum intervened and although he was hesitant, he obeyed and turned away. I watched as he walked away and when I shifted my eyes back to mum, she was already in front of me. She stared at me for a second, then briefly touched my arm before walking past me. I didn't understand what that was about, but it didn't make me feel good. Looking at Uncle Chimdi and his wife only made me feel even worse. In the end, I turned away and left the room as quick as I could.

I stormed into my room, furious, and began pacing from one side to the other. My family was wreaking of secrecy. No one will tell me, but they expect me to do exactly what they want. I can't seem to understand what gave them the understanding that'll say yes so easily and marry a stranger. Am I not clear enough? Do I seem like such a pushover? Is it because I'm a woman? What exactly is it?

Finally, I stood still, drawing in a deep breath and gently releasing it right after. I need to leave as soon as I can. The moment I get the opportunity, I'm going to walk away and not look back.

The door flung open and Chidera walked in the moment she sighted me. "There you are. I've been looking all over for you." She stated as she walked up to me.

"Really?" I queried as I took my seat on the bed. She sat down beside me.

"Well, I've not been searching that long. Anyway, go out with me." She said, and I raised a brow at her. "You're always home. Eze and I are attending a friend's wedding and we want you to come along."

I folded my arms below my chest. "So, I should be a third wheel?"

"No, not that because... because Cergio is coming as well." She confessed and waited to see the reaction I give. Not sure exactly what she believed she was going to see, but I wasn't about to satisfy her expectations, so I simply blinked a few times, as if that would stop my sudden discomfort from expressing.

"Good for him, but I don't think..."

"No, don't say no already. We leave in two hours, think about it, and join us." Chidera declared as she got up to her feet. I watched her walk back to the door. Suddenly, she turned to me.

"By the way, Cergio likes you, and I know you like him as well. You simply prefer to act mature all the time."

I let out a light chuckle. "Did he tell you that?"

"No, but when I mentioned I would invite you, his eyes lit up."

I blinked a lot more than usual. "Well, you're mistaken. I don't like him... not like that and yes, I am matured so I'm not just acting it."

She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "It's your call. Remember, Cergio is not forever going to wait for you. You have a chance until my wedding is over and then, he'll leave. You might never see him again. Think about it." She turned away, opened the door, and left the room.

As I looked away from the door, I released a breath I did not know I'd withheld. Chidera is simply pulling my leg, and even if I explain my reasons to her, she wouldn't understand. What I'm doing is for the best. I threw my back on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

Cergio is not forever going to wait for you... You might never see him again. Her words played in my head. Deciding to ignore it, I closed my eyes and laid on my side. If I ignore it long enough, it'll go away.

Okay, apparently, ignoring it long enough never makes it go away. It simply builds the tension, especially when you're alone in a silent room, just you and your thoughts. The inner turmoil, the questions, the what ifs were building up, and in the end, I took hold of the car door handle and pulled it open. I looked in first and the moment my eyes met his, the smile drawing on our faces was almost in unison.

"Hi." I was first to speak.

"Hi." He replied before stretching out a hand to me. I accepted it as I placed my hand in his and then, with his support, I got into the car before shutting the door. I stared down at our hands still together before looking at him.

"Thank you." I appreciated regarding the helping hand he'd lent. He replied with his smile and though I hate to withdraw my hand from his, I did it anyway. He let go as well. I looked straight ahead, and that's when I realised Chidera and Eze had been staring at us. A smile appeared on her face. The look in her eyes was like that of a proud mother awed by her child's performance. I furrowed my brows at her, a sign for her to stop being weird about this. I changed my mind, big deal.

Thankfully, they both looked away and with Eze in the driver's seat, he started the car. He drove out of the open garage, honked at the gate, and the gateman came running out of his small residential building by the gate. Single-handedly, he pulled open the tall gates and waited by the side as we drove out of the compound.

Unable to stop myself, I looked Cergio's direction only to meet his eyes. It was clear he'd been staring, and the realisation of that made me somewhat self-conscious. He smiled and I couldn't stop myself from smiling back before eventually looking away.

I'm in trouble. I think I'm smitten by him more than I believed.


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