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Tala's POV

I was running through the house to get my keys, wallet and passport and a small backup with the essentials. Lucia called me in the middle of the night that Angel was in the hospital and I didn't even let her finish I jumped out of the bed.

I kissed Destiny's head and left her a note so I won't scare her. I wanted to make sure our baby was fine before telling her anything. I went to garage and I was stopped by a sleepy voice.

"Mom?" She yawned, I looked at Lili and smiled sadly. She stopped rubbing her eyes and walked closer to me.

"What's wrong?" She asked worried, when I didn't answer quickly she gasped.

"Is she okay??" She started to freak out and I hugged her and tried to calm her down.

"She's gonna be okay. Don't tell your mom, I left a note saying it's a business emergency." I kissed her head and got in the car. I dashed to the airport and the Jett was already waiting for me.

"Mrs Castillo" the captain nodded respectfully and I give him a nod back.


The next day I finally arrived, I got out of the Jett and found Lucia waiting for me with an SUVs for a scary ex-military and a secret service agent she looked nervous to see me. I didn't talk to her and she gave me the hospital report papers from yesterday and opened the door.

"Mrs. Castillo, your daughter is stable now and the agents and your men are investigating. I also didn't inform the cops like you order ma'am" she said trying not to stutter under my intense stare. I looked at my phone and the assassin who was keeping an eye sent me a text from an unknown number. They were doing a good job reporting to me everything but in the past couple of weeks the reports started to slow. I read the text.

"Searching for Target" -L

I left the text on seen and I opened the car door when we stopped. I still haven't said a word to anyone yet, all the men fixed their postures when they saw me. Lucia guided me to Angel's room.

"Wait outside" I said, she nodded. I opened the door and there was a girl with dark hair sitting on Angel's bed holding her hand. She didn't notice I walked in yet. I looked at my poor little girl and she looked so sick and tired.

"And who are you?" The girl jumped, she looked at me and she seriously looked like she was about to pass out. Her face lost its color and she swallowed very hard. She cleared her throat and tried to shake my hand.

"I'm her friend from school" she said, I didn't shake her hand but I walked closer to her face, she was tall but not my height.

"So you're a suspect as well" I said putting my hand on the gun strapped to my waist. She looked between me and the gun nervously.

"Mom?" A voice stopped the staring contest and I took my hand off of the gun. I slowly walked closer to Angel and sat on the bed, she tried to sit up and hug me. I wrapped my arms around her as she cried in my chest. I kissed her head feeling my tears slowly fall.

"I'm sorry" I said as she cried harder.

Angel was sleeping and I was sitting on the couch playing with a butterfly knife. The doctor walked in, he saw me and he smiled nervously.

"Did you get the full report" I said, he nodded his head yes but was hesitant in giving me the papers. I was alone with him and a sleeping Angel.

"I think you shouldn't read it ma'am" I glared at him and shooed him out. I went through the papers when I reached a sentence that shocked me.

Sexual assault.
Old Scars on the right side of lower back and thighs.

I put my hand on my mouth, why didn't I know about this. Why didn't she tell me. Why..

"Mom?" I looked up at her and when she saw the horror in my eyes I think she knew that I found out. She pulled her legs to her chest and put her head in between them

"When did this happen?" I asked, I stood up and put the papers on the bed.

"Angel, I'm gonna ask you one more time. When. Did this. Happen?" She looked up at me with teary eyes, she sniffled.

"L-last year" she said softly, I was seeing red that I didn't notice I punched a hole in the wall. When I felt better with my bloody hand, I sighed and took off my tie wrapping it around my knuckles. Angel wasn't looking at me just crying harder. I walked closer and pulled her closer to my chest and let her cry the pain out.

Oooooo mommy is back....


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