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Angel's POV

It was around 11:30PM and the hallways were dark, Lucia used her flashlight while Jasmin, Sam and I used our phones to light the path. When we reached the back door we snuck out slowly seeing that other students were going the same way. They waved at us and we waved back. We followed a small path and the music was getting louder and louder, a huge mansion came to view. Well not as big as my mom's but it was fairly big.

People were already drunk and passed out on the grass while others were engaged in conversation with beers in their hands.

"I hope I don't regret this" I said to Lucia, she shrugged her shoulders and we followed Jasmin who clearly knows the way.

Inside, there was a small bar with some random dude as the bartender. I'm craving a mojito so I went there pulling Jasmin with me. We all order drinks except Lucia. Our drinks weren't served yet as we were interrupted by a voice. The music stopped and everyone turned to look at the person.

There stood a woman with brunette hair, she was wearing a button up shirt with the first buttons open, the tight pants she wore suited her. Her eyes were scanning the room until they landed on me, she gave me a small smirk and I couldn't help but smile. She welcomed everyone to her party and said to make ourselves comfortable. Sam poked my arm so I can look at her she smiled and passed me my drink. I thanked her and turned to look where the woman was standing but she wasn't there, but when I looked in front of me she was coming my way.

"I don't think I've seen you here before" she said with a small smile, now I can see the height difference. I didn't reply to her I just smiled and took a sip of my drink.

"Alex" she gave me her hand and I looked at it for a second but shook it.


"Pretty name for a pretty lady" her hand was still in mine but I didn't mind, she pulled me gently and I put my drink on the counter waving to Sam. Jasmin was too busy pulling Lucia by her tie.

She pulled me closer in the middle of the dance floor, it was too dark to see my surroundings and the alcohol's affect was kicking in. All I saw were her looking down at me as we danced under the faint lights.

At some point, I was looking around when I caught those blue orbs staring at me as I danced with Alex,  Luci rolled her eyes and chugged her drink, she walked away until I couldn't see her anymore. I looked at Alex and she was looking at me hungrily, I didn't know what happened but I smiled at her and gently got myself out of her grip, she looked confused but she didn't say anything. My feet were walking on their own as I followed behind Luci, why was I doing this. I had no clue, I just wanted to go after her.

I found myself outside, it was cold but I didn't care I just kept walking until I reached the street. My ears starting ringing and my head started to hurt, I was too deep thinking about the stupid headache that I didn't see the car coming my way at high speed. I couldn't move, I felt like a deer caught in headlights. I closed my eyes as I felt something collide with my body as I fell on the ground with a loud thud.

"Are you fuckin insane?!!" Luci voice screamed at me, I opened my eyes breathing heavily she was on top of me with her arms on each side of my head. I know it's not the moment to think like a pervert but I like that she was straddling me.

"What were you thinking Angel?!! Do you want to die?!" She looked so worried and my heart started beating uncontrollably, she was worried about me. I let my hand caress her face and that seemed to calm her down, but then she stopped noticing the position we were in and tried to get off of me, I smirked and flipped her on her back. She was now under me and I was straddling her lap, her mouth was a little open and her eyes were wide in surprise.

I grabbed both her wrists and pinned them over her head, she was still too surprised to react and I knew if I do something it'll both get her out of her thoughts and will answer my question. I slowly moved on her lower abdomen to "make myself comfortable" and felt something poke me, she whimpered but then realized what was going on and her cheeks turned a deep shade of red. She flipped me back under her but she didn't stay for too long, she got up and backed away. I leaned on my elbows and stared at her with a small smirk as I noticed the bulge in her pants.

"Don't tell anyone about this or else" she threatened, I just smiled at her innocently and nodded my head. Oh I'm gonna have so much fun with her.

Good morning everybody!!!


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