✗ 28 ✗

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Music. I can hear it everywhere before I even climbed out of the car and enter the chaos of sororities' party.

There's already so many people in the lawn alone. Some were having fun with their friends, boys be whistling after girls smiling if they find them good looking enough while some were passed out on the ground.

I don't even want to mention the ones ending their welcome so soon as they vomit almost everywhere.

Sean walked ahead of us doing that bro hug or whatever boys do if they saw each other in a party. I looked at Jessica, my hands getting clammy as it holds firmly on her elbow.

She looked back at me with a smile before mouthing to just enjoy it.

"It'll be okay, trust me", she said, looking like she was in her elements.

"Just don't leave me alone or I'll call my friend to drive over here and get me", I warned her. She knew Jake would really do so in only one call.

"Do it and he'll be mobbed instead of getting you home. There were so many girls here who can't wait to lay their hands on him", she told me seriously.

Well, that shuts me up for real without a fail.

As soon as we entered the house, there were even more people everywhere inside, couple wannabe's groping each other and the ones energized enough was drinking like their lives depend on it. I was already regretting coming here when I saw the others challenging themselves to who can endure longer before they took a swim in the back.

I could here among the mixed conversations here and there about the pool. I cringed just thinking at how dirty it would be during and after the party.

Jessica held my hand while we followed Sean to the living room where there were people sitting and smoking at the same time as they talk about useless topics. I took a seat by Jessica's side and shifted uncomfortably when their eyes landed on me.

"Woah, one of the nerds is finally wilding up, huh?", one of the guys commented as he blew a smoke in my face and I coughed as it entered my nostrils.

"Lance, get that poison away from her!", Jessica hissed causing for him to laugh before getting up to go.

After a few seconds of giving Jessica a look, Sean excuses himself saying he would meet his other friends upstairs. It didn't take long for the quietness to settle in between Jessica and I, given that I wasn't really used to this events.

My hearts even dropped at the sight of her friends waving her to join them in their game of truth of dare in front of the fire place. She looked at me as if asking me for permission.

"Go on", I said, not wanting to be spoil sports. I'm sure I can find a cave here to hide at while I'm waiting for the night to end.

"You can go to the kitchen if you want. There's usually no people in there", she said, gesturing for me in a certain direction.

I nodded at her thankfully. She smiled then walked away as I followed her figure jumped in excitement as soon as she was welcomed into her circle.

That's so amusing to see if I may say so, she can have her fun in this crowd.

Anyone can have it in different ways, so I prepared not to judge them as much as I could. At least to the okay people like Jessica who I can still stand.

Ara and Candy? Never in my life I would change my mind about that two.

Getting tired of the smell of the smoke, I finally pushed my way through the swarm of bodies and made my way to the kitchen.

It looks to be empty in my luck. Only a few people enters to get a drink then dash out to return back in the dancing. I was in the middle of looking out for a door or a space to hide when my eyes landed on someone I was least expecting to be here.

It was Sunghoon. He was searching through the pile of pizza boxes and not paying attention to anyone. He looked up, sensing that one is staring and found me there standing in surprise.

If he is here, does it mean that friend of his was somewhere in this party as well?

We were still not saying to each other when he smirked and nodded behind me. I gulped as I turned around and saw Jay swaggering his way to us. He took slow steps towards me and looked at me unbelievably.

"Y/N, what the hell are you doing here?", he asked, astonished.

"I was forced to come here", I said, annoyed as to why I'm even sharing it to him.

He looked at Sunghoon who in turn left the room then looked back me, angry, "Who? That slut of a dormmate of yours?"

"Her name is Jessica, and not this Candy", I explained it to him.

He got more angry after looking down at my dress, "Did she forced you to wear it too?"

"Yes", I'm confused on why he was getting pressed over my own problem.

He looked at me squinting his eyes before calming down and palmed his face for a second.

"Not that I'm saying you look bad in that trash, but the guys here would probably do something", he said, his eyes looking at mine intensely.

"Do you want me to leave right now?", I mumbled while pulling the dress down more.

He squinted, "Put my number in your phone in speed dial"

"Why would I do that?", I asked, walking around him to pick a bottle of water from the fridge.

I'm sure this will be safe enough for me to take and drink.

"So you can call me as soon as possible if any jerks around here ever touches you", he said seriously as he looked away.

"Then you can be my protector... that's ironic when you've been my bully", I said even though I felt my face heating up.

His jaw clenched before quietly admitting, "I want to make up for it, so then you'll learn to forgive me"

"What are you doing here?", I said, trying to change the subject for the sake of my heart.

"I was invited and it's good that I came to keep an eye on you", he said with a shrug.

"Well, I should get back to Jessica", I said, pointing at his back, to where the doorway is waiting for me.

"Okay, you'll call me if something happens right?", he asked hopefully.

"Of course", I told him, the sound of my voice so uninterested to the point that he winced.

Seeing no reason to stay longer in his presence, I walked around him with my bottled water and stopped when I felt Jay's hand tugged on my own.

When I turned to face him, he grabbed me closer before whispering in my ears, "Just remember, I really care about you, so don't give me a scare tonight"

As soon as he let go of my hand, I get out of there quickly and enters the bathroom after seeing a girl stepping out. My body slids down as I turn to sit in the tiled floor.

I was shocked and confused at Jay's actions that hating him was getting harder than I thought.

Why does he keeps showing that he cared about me and why did I like it?

I can assure you guys that the next chapter will make you scream. Why? You'll see.

Breaking The Bully ⚊ Enhypen JayWhere stories live. Discover now