✗ 9 ✗

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The silence covered us for a whole tensing moment as Jungwon slowly backed away towards the still open door. His eyes switched from between me and Jay, and just when I thought he would exit the scene to let us sort our problems, he went to rush in the bed.

He went onto lay there in all fours before he spoke out, "Ooh.. don't mind here. Continue where you left off and I'll be your grateful audience"

As if he only realized by then, Jay pushed me from him and hastily rose up to his feet when he lost his footing because my feet stick out on his path and he stumbled forward a little. I let out a pained gasp as he accidentally stopped on my feet. He mouthed a sorry before straightening himself up.

After dusting the imaginary dirt on his face, he held his index finger up to his lips to indicate be quiet for Jungwon. The younger boy nodded before pointing to where I was massaging my feet.

They don't have to know I'm in my world. I was lamenting over the fact that Jay had apologized to me in all the times he couldn't even give me a bit mercy.

"Keep an eye on her. Don't allow her to be seen by that mad bitch downstairs. I'll be back", he said before disappearing out of the room.

I was hoping for him to put a leash on that dog. It feels like an insult to even compare that Ara to those innocent cute dogs. Sorry, Layla and Bisco. Forgive me for what I have said.

"I was shocked to say the very least", Jungwon's voice had removed me from my thoughts.

I looked back at him, and saw that he was watching me, like what a kid would do if he finds you amusing enough like his toys.

"Of what?", I asked, seeing no harm to chat with him. We had always been acquaintances in the past.

"I thought he had already left you behind in our province", he cupped his chin while he watched me closely for my reaction.

And even if I want to be annoyed by him reminding me of those memories, I couldn't. He was too damn cute for anyone to even try to hate him.

"I could say the same for myself. I went here to Seoul to leave whatever life I have there", I explained as I picked up the laptop and started to what I was supposed to do.

There was no reply from Jungwon and I took that as an indication to power through my work without any kind of disturbance anymore. I was now on the second research and finding it interesting to see the raise in our country's tourism economy had benefit greatly from Bangtan boys themselves.

"Aren't you aware that Jay hyung went here for a reason too? He told me it was because...", Jungwon was talking again when we both hear a loud commotion from down the stairs that had me discontinue my research.

Due to the fact that it was alarming, I caught Jungwon's eyes and instead of being concern, he just nodded me to continue what I want to do. I mouthed him a thank you and twisted my body around to face the door, maybe thinking I could hear it more.

"Go on outside. I can assure you, hurting you was the last thing he would do", Jungwon supported me, so I give him a nod and I tiptoed my way out of the door, with him following me behind to see what the noises is all about.

We tiptoed together in hallway until we reached the top of the stairs that permitted us to hear the loud voice of Ara. Once I sat down by the steps, Jungwon copied the position and his eyes told me to stay quiet as we turned to listen intently.

"Who is she? Why did you invite her here without me knowing it!?", Ara's infuriating voice vibrated through the walls.

My ears perked up when I heard what they were arguing about. My curiousity got the best of me as I asked Jungwon, "Who are they talking about?"

He just gives me a judgemental look as if to say, It's you, dumbass. But can he blame me, though? I wanted to make sure if I heard it incorrectly.

"I don't have to tell you anything, why did you even visit when I already told you you're not welcome here!?", Jay's deep voice boomed. His anger so clear had me quivering in fear and if not for Jungwon being here, I would've prayed for things to not get worse.

It was silent for a while which made me look in askance to Jungwon who just shrugs until we heard Ara's voice again, now it was back to that sweet sound. I could barely see her but I could imagine from that scratchy sound of her voice, she was almost crying.

"You never invited me here yet you let that little bitch in here?", she asked, and the exaggerated sob made me smile a little when Jungwon can't stop rolling his eyes.

So I was not the only who hated Kim Ara's guts who can be a little overdramatic sometimes to get what she wants.

"I don't owe you an explanation, Ara, so why don't you just get out of here?", Jay yelled at her again.

Her voice was timid now, she probably didn't want to rile him up more, "Why do you keep giving that trash an attention?"

I kinda agree with you for once, Ara. I wanna know, too.

"Why all those questions? If you're expecting me to pity you with that screechy voice, it's not working and accept it, I never liked you", Jay said, earning a smile from Jungwon who nudged me as if to mean something.

"You don't mean that", Ara stuttered and then started sobbing rather loudly.

It could work to the actresses like Bae Suzy. She was a good crier, a sight to see. There were unfortunate ones who don't sound and look charming at their crying state. Kim Ara seems to belong in that category.

"You heard me right! The only reason I hang out with you because you forced yourself into my group and it looks pathetic every time you think you're one step closer to get onto my pants"

A loud echoing slap was heard before somebody bumped into something and we heard a shattering glasses. Out of my need to see if somebody was hurt, I got up quickly and raced down the stairs. My heart raced from hearing Jungwon telling me to stop.

But it was too late when my feet skidded into a halt and what I found is Ara cowering away from Jay who looked down at one of the vase that was shattered down in the floor. He was glaring as he gazed back at her in return.

"That was my grandpa's gift to me", he said, his voice was aggressive now.

Fear was evident in the girl's eyes as she keeps on backing away. They must've sense my presence because Jay's posture relaxed while Ara's eyes locked onto mine in a terrifying glare. She stopped sobbing and looked at me in disdain.

With a scoff, she straightens up her form, her sandals crunching the pieces of glass underneath. Like her friends, her hips was swaying like a pecking duck as she slipped her long dark hair sassily. She sasheyed her way up to the door and with a cocky expression, she smirked at me.

"Be careful, little bitch, he'll get tired of you once he got what he wants", she said with a shrug.

"She's not like you, Ara", Jay finally looked at her and he pushed her out the door.

"I'm still not done with you, Park Jay", she snorted and there after, slammed the door closed.

From the looks of it, I just got caught in the middle of some complicated couple's quarrel. I looked back at Jay and saw that he was inspecting the damage of the vase in the floor. He looked like he was debating if it could still be fixed.

Feeling stupid for just standing there and had been caught by Jungwon appearing that I was staring at his excuse, I tried to make an excuse to leave.

"Uh.. it's getting late. I should go to visit Jake now", I muttered, looking at the big ass clock from above the TV screen.

It was just 6 pm, but it should be dark by now outside. I won't find it safe to get home too late without worrying for my safety.

I mean, I wouldn't want to ask this guy for a ride home, right?

I noticed someone commenting in this chapter why Gaeul is not included in the part where Y/N is mentioning the dogs of Niki and Jake.

Remember that Y/N is not friends with Sunghoon, so how the hell would she know his pet?

Please try to understand their connections before questioning the flow of the story.

Breaking The Bully ⚊ Enhypen JayWhere stories live. Discover now