Chapter 15-A Guest

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I looked towards the tea set in front of me, the peppermint flavor seeping into it as it got darker. Slowly I started to pour the tea in my cup and then the cup in front of me. Right behind the cup was Bê's doll. 'Let's hope this works...'

I waited patiently staring at the doll... nothing. I turned towards Sorin ready to get up and give up. "Oh my gosh these back cramps man, couldn't of kept me in there any longer could ya?"

I turned back shocked, "Bê!"

The mask faced creature responded instantly "That's me-" They paused, "So what did you need me for?"

"Well you see there is this prince from the neighboring kingdom, prince August," I cleared out my throat, "And he plans on performing a world reset getting rid of all magic in the process so I figured you could help after all I believe it would prove much significance to your life."

"Very much so, there are to many things I care about in this world they all hold a very close place to my heart... I'll have an idea that will hopefully be in full swing by the next time I see you, too da loo." They waved bye with a crooked hand, "Till we meet again dearest friend of mine."

"Bye, I'll see you soon!" I sat back for a moment as they turned to smoke. 'They barely know me and yet they are so willing to help, I can't wait for next time,"

That was as of last week, after that though it seemed as if everyone was on edge, the hallways in school started to feel like everyone I didn't know were vultures staring down prey.

Orion lightly kissed my hand as he left for his dance classes, "Be safe out there." I was going to meet with Prince Autumn so Orion was extremely worried about the outcomes because as Uri had said 'I needed to get things on with him.'

I headed towards Evelyn, her talking to Melora. She was going to be taking me to the castle, we only had a few weeks left until things got into motion.

The air was tense as we made our way towards the castle, soon I spotted Uri. We waved as Evelyn soon went towards the other direction 'She really doesn't like Prince Autumn' I spotted the devil himself behind Uri. "Please be safe Lucille, he's a very dangerous person, and if you get hurt the both of us know Orion is going to have me dead by the next morning."

Uri walked with me towards Autumn, "Your highness, I've brought Lucille here because of his families current situation,"

"Come with me for a private talk," He grasped my hand as if he had found an opportunity. We made our way towards a table situated in the garden.

He pulled out a chair for me as the both of us had sat down. "Lucille, it's wonderful to finally be able to have a one on one talk with you." Prince Autumn cleared out his throat preparing to speak, "I am aware of your families current situation and their right to the throne. I have a proposal for you that I am sure you will agree on.... Poison Evelyn and I'll do the rest,"

I took a deep breath in, "And how exactly will that help me get my family name back?"

"It's simple dear Luci, when the one and only daughter of the so called Rosetta family dies they'll be at their weakest state grieving, once your family is able to take control of the crown again we can start to form an alliance where you could help me build an empire without magic. Think about it once all magic is gone no one will ever be able to impersonate your family again!"

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